
How to Create a Brand Style Guide

How to Create a Brand Style Guide

Between my sophomore and junior year of college, I interned at a marketing company in their design department. On the first day of my internship, I was shown to my temporary working space where the company’s brand style guide was waiting for me on my desk. It was a quick way for me to learn the design standards for the company’s brand, and it made it much easier for the designers and interns to stay on the same page and create a cohesive visual identity across all platforms and mediums. 

When I started at my first full-time graphic design position right out of college, I opened my inbox on my first day to find an online PDF of the company’s brand style guide. And again, it was a quick design reference that I returned to time and time again.

How to Create Your Own Niche

How to Create Your Own Niche

Finding Your Blogging Niche has been one of my most highly viewed posts to date. Readers keep sharing and coming back to this post that I wrote months ago, not because I shared ground-breaking information or did a fantastic job writing it, but because I believe finding a niche is one of the greatest struggles for entrepreneurs and bloggers. Especially when you’re first starting out, it’s hard to find that groove and zero in on a focused group of people to write for and market to. 

While I agree with the information I shared in that post, I’m admitting today that I took the wrong approach to the subject. Because the longer I’m in business and the longer I contribute to this blog, the more I realize that it isn’t about finding a niche; it’s about creating one. 

How to Successfully Blog for Business

How to Successfully Blog for Business

Last week I shared my secret for rapidly growing my business. Many people are often surprised to hear that blogging has been fundamental to growing an audience, developing a loyal following, making the leap to full-time, and gaining credibility in my industry. The benefits of blogging are numerous, but the hardest part of blogging isn’t in understanding why it’s important; it’s learning how to approach it and come up with a way to diversify content from the millions of other blogs out there. So today I’m sharing some tips for how to successfully blog for business. 

The Most Helpful Software Suite for Bloggers and Creatives

The Most Helpful Software Suite for Bloggers and Creatives

For those of you who have been following along with Elle & Company for any length of time, you’ve probably picked up on my love of Adobe Creative Suite. Not only do I use many of its programs for my design services, but it's been extremely useful for blogging as well. I’ve received several questions about the entire creative suite since I launched my Adobe Illustrator e-course last month, so today I’m breaking it down for you by highlighting its benefits, overviewing my favorite apps, and explaining the plans for Adobe Creative Cloud.