
7 Tactics to Help You Get to Know Your Ideal Customer

7 Tactics to Help You Get to Know Your Ideal Customer

There’s one goal every business has in common: to make a profit. 

After all, money keeps your business afloat, pays the bills, and allows you to take home a paycheck.

But when you’re planning and strategizing ways to achieve that goal, there’s one variable that isn’t always easy to determine: your audience.

Identifying and understanding your ideal audience may seem to be a guessing game at first...

Who would benefit from my product/service?
How do I reach them?
How do I position my product to spark interest and encourage them to buy?

...but it shouldn’t be. Actually, there are plenty of ways to take the guesswork out of getting to know your ideal customer and make more accurate, data-driven characterizations.

How to Create the Quintessential Editorial Calendar

How to Create the Quintessential Editorial Calendar

It’s 9:00pm on Tuesday night. 

You’ve committed to posting 3 times a week on your blog and your next post is due tomorrow morning, but inevitably, you’ve waited until the last minute. You’re tired, uninspired, and frustrated. With no idea what to write about, you sit and stare blankly at your computer, hoping that some bought of creativity will magically appear and help you crank out 1200 words of helpful, engaging content in time. 

Can you relate?

How to Create Catchy Headlines

How to Create Catchy Headlines

Is your headline the first thing you consider when you sit down to write a post?

Probably not, but creating a catchy blog post title is one of the most important aspects of each blog post. It's the gateway to your content; it convinces people to click or scroll right past your latest post'. 

In fact, studies show that 8 out of 10 people will read your headline but only 2 out of 10 will read your entire post. 

Here are a few pointers for drawing in potential readers and a couple "templates" to help you create a catchy headline for your upcoming posts. 

Clever Solutions to 4 of Your Biggest Blogging Hang-Ups

Clever Solutions to 4 of Your Biggest Blogging Hang-Ups

Blogging is a polarizing topic; it’s either one of those things business owners get really excited about or dread with a burning passion. 

Those with negative opinions of blogging usually dread it for the following reasons:

  • They don’t have the time
  • They don’t feel confident in their writing abilities
  • They don’t know what to blog about
  • Or they underestimate the amount of beneficial content they can share

Do you fall into the dread category? If you do, I bet you can relate to one (or all) of the reasons above. And if you don’t, you might reach a place someday where your excitement about blogging begins to fizzle and the dread starts to creep in.

Explaining the benefits of blogging can be motivation in and of themselves to overlook those reasons and get started, but today I’d rather tackle the dread head-on and provide some practical, helpful ways you can make blogging work for you.

The Glaring Issue with Using Social Media for Business

The Glaring Issue with Using Social Media for Business

The benefits of using social media for business are obvious. 

Social media platforms allow you to reach your target audience in the places where they hang out the most. They help you network with others in your industry (and stay up to date/keep an eye on what they’re up to). They give your audience the opportunity to follow along with you and it give you the opportunity to engage and communicate with them. 

And, oh yeah, social media accounts are free

But despite all of these excellent benefits, there’s one glaring issue with using social media for business.