
Does the Length of Your Blog Posts Matter?

Does the Length of Your Blog Posts Matter?

Does the length of your blog posts really matter?

Well, it depends on who you ask. Bloggers, especially those in the content marketing realm, have differing views on the subject. 

Some will tell you that length doesn’t matter as long as you’re providing valuable content. Others will tell you that your post has to be at least 3000+ words in length. 

But if you’re asking me, I will tell you time and time again that when it comes to blog posts, length does matter.

And I have 5 reasons (and some insightful research) to prove it.

50 More No-Fluff, Content-Rich Blog Post Ideas

50 More No-Fluff, Content-Rich Blog Post Ideas

Blogging consistently is a challenge for most creative business owners. 

It’s difficult to find the time to sit down and write content-rich posts, especially with countless projects and administrative tasks to take care of. But sometimes it’s even more difficult to come up with things to write about.

So a year and a half ago I came up with 50 no-fluff, content-rich blog post ideas and shared them on the blog.

That post has received the most shares, comments, and pageviews out of hundreds of Elle & Company articles. 

I’ve continued to learn about blogging and content marketing in the 16 months since writing that post, so I thought it was about time for an update. 

I’ve added and refined that list to bring you 50 more no-fluff, content-rich blog post ideas.

Go ahead and bookmark this post or pin it - you’ll want to come back to it later.

But I’m warning you... After looking over this list, you’ll never be able to use the, “I don’t have anything to write about,” excuse ever again!

Don't Believe the Lies: Why Site Traffic Matters

Don't Believe the Lies: Why Site Traffic Matters

When it comes to site traffic, some people might tell you that you don’t need to worry about the numbers. 

That’s a lie. 

If you’re running a business, you can’t disregard the numbers. Especially when it comes to your site traffic.

I’m tackling that lie (and a few other lies that come along with it) by telling you the truth about site traffic and why it has a large impact on the success of your business. 

40 Ways to Use Adobe Illustrator to Improve Your Blog and Business

40 Ways to Use Adobe Illustrator to Improve Your Blog and Business

Adobe Illustrator is my go-to software for anything and everything design-related. It's the one program I truly couldn't work without.

And while it's easy to assume that the program's primary focus is illustration based on the name, there is so much more to this design software. 

With tools for type, color, photo cropping, image tracing, drawing, and much more, it has innumerable benefits for bloggers and business owners, alike.

To get your creative gears turning, here's a look at 40 ways Adobe Illustrator can take your blog and/or business to the next level.

How to Create Eye-Catching Blog Post Graphics

How to Create Eye-Catching Blog Post Graphics

First impressions are crucial, especially in business.

Potential customers and clients make judgments about your business within the first few seconds of coming into contact with it, whether it’s through your website, your social media accounts, or a simple blog post graphic.

And those initial thoughts - whether they’re spot on or far off from what you want them to be - are within your control. You have the opportunity to make a killer first impression through high-quality, branded visuals.

If your blog is a large part of your business or you’re hoping to drive more traffic back to your site through your blog, you have to have eye-catching blog graphics to not only generate a positive first impression, but to encourage readers to share your posts on sites like Pinterest and be seen by an even wider audience.

So how do you create eye-catching blog post graphics? And better yet, how can you set them apart so they’ll stand out from the rest and be recognized time and time again?