
Which 2016 Presidential Candidate's Logo Would Get Your Vote?

Which 2016 Presidential Candidate's Logo Would Get Your Vote?

With the 2016 presidential election right around the corner, the candidates are using visuals to characterize themselves and appeal to the American people.

But how effective have their attempts been and what messages are their visuals actually portraying?

I'm picking their logos apart in today's post and casting my vote on the strongest, most accurate design.

Exciting Changes to the Elle & Company Website (And Why We Made Them)

Exciting Changes to the Elle & Company Website (And Why We Made Them)

Change is the nature of a creative business.

Just when you think you have something figured out - whether it’s blogging, your service package, or your marketing strategy - it changes on you and you’re forced to adapt and reevaluate.

You can either fight it and get frustrated or look at it as an exciting challenge. And if I’m honest, I do a little bit of both.

That’s what happened with the Elle & Company website. 

I made some updates last summer, but as my business has grown and changed my goals for the site have changed. 

I needed to find a way to make it easier to navigate. I wanted to include content upgrades and opt-ins to grow my mailing list. And instead of doing a facelift and making things look better for a season, I knew an overhaul was in order for the long-term. 

Maybe you’re in the same boat. Or maybe you’re just curious about the changes to our site and the reasoning behind them. 

Either way, this post is for you! Here’s a look at what’s changed and why.

How to Create Eye-Catching Blog Post Graphics

How to Create Eye-Catching Blog Post Graphics

First impressions are crucial, especially in business.

Potential customers and clients make judgments about your business within the first few seconds of coming into contact with it, whether it’s through your website, your social media accounts, or a simple blog post graphic.

And those initial thoughts - whether they’re spot on or far off from what you want them to be - are within your control. You have the opportunity to make a killer first impression through high-quality, branded visuals.

If your blog is a large part of your business or you’re hoping to drive more traffic back to your site through your blog, you have to have eye-catching blog graphics to not only generate a positive first impression, but to encourage readers to share your posts on sites like Pinterest and be seen by an even wider audience.

So how do you create eye-catching blog post graphics? And better yet, how can you set them apart so they’ll stand out from the rest and be recognized time and time again?

How to Implement My 2-Week Design Process (Video!)

How to Implement My 2-Week Design Process (Video!)

Ever since I shared my 2-week design process on the Elle & Company blog a few months ago, I've received a ton of comments and emails about the ins and outs of how it works.

So we decided to switch things up a bit from our normal blog content with a video explaining the benefits of the 2-week process as well as some tips for how you might be able to implement it for your service-based business.

8 Reasons Your Business Needs a Cohesive, Well-Designed Brand

8 Reasons Your Business Needs a Cohesive, Well-Designed Brand

There are many different directions you can specialize in as a graphic designer. In design school we got a taste of each one - packaging design, advertising, user experience design, web design - but I was always drawn to branding. I loved the idea of creating a cohesive visual representation of a business through fonts, colors, graphics, illustrations, and patterns. The organization and strategy behind it all was right up my alley. 

But I never understood just how valuable brand design was until I started Elle & Company a year and a half ago. While blogging, marketing, advertising, and social media strategy have contributed to my business’s growth, much of it wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for a strong, recognizable brand. 

There are innumerable benefits to dedicating time and resources into a streamlined brand. Today I’m touching on 8 of them with the hope that you’ll gain a better idea of the great impact a cohesive, well-designed brand can have on your business.