
Struggling to organize your website? Try this.

Struggling to organize your website? Try this.

As a creative, it’s easy to get hung up on the aesthetics of a website and sacrifice form over function without even realizing it.

I’m in the middle of making updates to the Elle & Company site and I’ll admit - it’s easy to get caught up on visuals like icons and photos. 

But if you truly want visitors to take action on your website (by signing up for your mailing list, purchasing a product, or booking your services), you have to focus on more than just aesthetics. 

You have to focus on how you organize your content in a way that’s easy and intuitive for your visitors.

That’s easier said than done though, isn’t it?

Especially if you’ve had no experience setting up a website before.

If you’re struggling to organize the content on your website, I have a step-by-step method to help you sort it out and create a better user experience.

The Creative Entrepreneur's Guide to Crafting a Business Plan

The Creative Entrepreneur's Guide to Crafting a Business Plan

The mission of Elle & Company is to help creatives transform their passion into a successful, profitable business. 

Want to know what differentiates someone’s passion from a business? Action and strategy.

Passion is rarely the issue in trying to get a business off the ground. Instead, us right-brained creatives can sometimes forget the importance of strategy in our businesses. 

And that’s why I created this 6-step business plan: Elle & Company’s Business Playbook.

21 High Quality Blog Post Ideas for Product-Based Businesses

21 High Quality Blog Post Ideas for Product-Based Businesses

In order for people to buy from you, they have to trust you.

And one of the best ways to build trust among potential customers is through blogging. 

Blogging allows you to share your expertise, highlight testimonials and success stories, give insight into your process, answer commonly asked questions, and more

But one of the biggest blogging hangups for business owners - especially those who run product-based businesses - is figuring out what to write about and coming up with high-quality blog post ideas.

Can you relate? 

If so, I’ve got you covered. 

12 Google Doc Templates to Make Your Business More Efficient

12 Google Doc Templates to Make Your Business More Efficient

Great systems are key to running and maintaining a successful business.

When you’re able to follow the same process time and time again - whether it’s scheduling social media posts, replying to inquiries, or setting up client homework - you can conquer tasks quickly and free up your time. 

Something as simple as a Google Doc template can help you prepare ahead of time and work more efficiently. 

So to help you streamline your systems and keep your process running smoothly, I have 12 template ideas and examples to share with you.

How to Gain an Audience in Your First Six Months of Business

How to Gain an Audience in Your First Six Months of Business

The hardest part of starting a business isn’t figuring out finances.

It isn’t coming up with offerings, finding your niche, or pricing your services.

Because all those items will easily fall into place… as long as you have a loyal, engaged audience.

But how do you grow an audience full of prospective clients and customers who are excited about your business?

It’s the million dollar question (almost literally).