
If I Were Starting My Business from Scratch, This Would Be My Gameplan

If I Were Starting My Business from Scratch, This Would Be My Gameplan

Whew! It's been a whirlwind of a summer. Between vacations, unexpected events, and moving, I’m happy to put summer behind me and welcome fall. 

But the weather isn’t the only thing changing around here.

After a brief hiatus, Ellechat is back and better than ever!

You’ve heard rumblings about it all summer and it’s finally happening. Ellechat relaunched last Thursday and we brought a podcast version along with it! 

An Inside Look at My Client Onboarding Process

An Inside Look at My Client Onboarding Process

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” - Benjamin Franklin

When you think about the client process, images of drafts, revisions, and the finished product may come to mind.

And while those are crucial components, there are a lot of steps that need to happen before the client process begins in order for things to run smoothly.

I’ve found that the onboarding process sets the stage for the rest of the client project. How you handle inquiries, meetings, contracts, and invoices can make or break the entire process; it sets a precedent.

So today I’m inviting you inside of my client onboarding process that’s been tweaked over these last three years. 

My hope is that while you may not follow it to a T, you might walk away with a step or two that helps make your client process run smoother.

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Elle & Company

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Elle & Company

There’s always more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye.

And while I’m pretty transparent when it comes to sharing my business systems and strategies, there are several things that have gone unshared on this blog.

It isn’t that I’ve been purposely keeping them from you; they just don’t often come up in conversation.

So I thought it would be fun to switch things up in today’s post and share 10 things you probably didn’t know about Elle & Company. 

Whether you’ve been following along with this space for years or you’ve just stumbled upon it in the last week, you might find some of these surprising! 

14 Answers to Tricky Questions About Providing Web Design Services

14 Answers to Tricky Questions About Providing Web Design Services

Have you ever been designing for a client when a sticky situation pops up?

Maybe they continue to ask for more revisions than you originally planned for. 
Or they don’t provide enough information for the pages of their website.
Or they don’t have photos that compliment your designs.

How do you handle these situations?

Over the past 3 years, I’ve run into numerous unique challenges while working with clients, and I often figured them out through a series of trial and error. 

But to spare you the trouble of having to figure things out all on your own, I’ve rounded up 14 tricky questions from my Freelance Academy course Q+A’s and I’m sharing the answers with you in today’s post. 

How to Schedule Your Workday, Stay on Task, and Set Boundaries

How to Schedule Your Workday, Stay on Task, and Set Boundaries

Call me crazy, but I’ve always looked forward to the “back to school” season at the end of August. 

While it usually means that summer’s coming to a close, it also means there’s a fresh new season on the horizon. A “second New Year,” of sorts.

Because I don’t know about you, but summer is usually a lot crazier than I expect it to be. 

A couple vacations, a couple bouts of car trouble, and a big move has kicked me out of my normal work week routine, and I’m longing for routine and consistency.

Surely I’m not the only one!

In an effort to get back on track,  I rounded up my favorite tips and strategies for scheduling your workday, staying on task, and setting better boundaries to maintain a realistic work/life balance.

If you’re hoping for a fresh start to your business this fall, this post is for you.