
A Sneak Peek at My Monthly Business Expenses

A Sneak Peek at My Monthly Business Expenses

One of the hardest decisions when running a business is determining which apps, tools, and services are worth worth spending money on.

Especially when you’re just starting out on a tight budget. 

Is there a cheaper option?
Am I really going to use this?
Is this a reasonable price?

I’ve seen a lot of questions about business expenses and apps worth spending money on in the Elle & Company Community, and after almost four years of entrepreneurship, I thought it would be helpful to give you a sneak peek at what I spend money on each month for my business.  

I’ve done a lot of paring down over the past year to the essentials, and I believe these expenses are worth every penny!

An Inside Look at My Business Coaching Program

An Inside Look at My Business Coaching Program

In the throes of designing, launching, and growing your business, it can be hard to find clear-cut direction.

Blog posts and webinars are helpful, but it takes work on your part to apply the content and personalize it to your business.

Courses dive deeper into content, but you’re often one of many students taking part.

Mastermind groups and Facebook groups are great for gaining feedback, but others in the group don’t have the time to sit down with you and come up with a customized plan for your business (let alone hold you accountable to all the steps).

But business coaching is the best of all worlds. 

My Simple, No-Frills Approach to Launching New Offerings

My Simple, No-Frills Approach to Launching New Offerings

There’s plenty of talk out there about marketing your products and services, but a lot of expert launch strategies involve intense email sequences (that often overwhelm your list), pay-per-click Facebook ads, lots of bonuses, product bundles, and so on.

And while they may be helpful for some, these strategies can quickly get complicated and overwhelming for most creative business owners, especially those who are a one-man team.

Launches don’t have to be complicated, salesy, or manipulative.

If you’re preparing to launch a new offering - whether it’s a service or a product - you’ll walk away from this Ellechat with a new perspective on launches and gain some tangible steps for successfully promoting your new idea to your audience. 

50 More Encouraging Quotes for Creating a Successful Business

50 More Encouraging Quotes for Creating a Successful Business

So often in business (and really, in life) we look to the experience and expertise of others. 

We want to learn from those who’ve gone before us in order to avoid their mistakes and chase after the things that worked for them.

Especially in times of doubt.

I rounded up 50 quotes from successful business owners and shared them on the blog a couple years ago, and I’ve referred back to them regularly.

So I thought it was about time to round up some more.

If you need a little extra motivation and encouragement, these quotes from successful business people who’ve gone before us should do the trick. 

So You're Thinking of Hiring an Assistant?

So You're Thinking of Hiring an Assistant?

Creative entrepreneurs play many roles and wear many hats.

So it’s inevitable that at some point, you might consider lessening your load and delegating tasks by bringing on the help of an assistant.

Whether hiring an assistant is in your near or distant future, you probably have a lot of questions.

  • When is the best time to bring on an assistant?
  • How do I find the right person?
  • How much do I pay them?
  • What are some best practices for training them?
  • How do I maintain a good working relationship?

To be honest, this is a topic I'm still exploring, but I have a lot to share from my experiences of hiring 2 part-time assistants in the past 2 years.