
Creating and Keeping Up With a Client Waiting List

Creating and Keeping Up With a Client Waiting List

The key to freelance freedom lies in the ability to book clients in advance.

By having a waiting list of clients who are chomping at the bit to work with you, you’re able to knock over a bunch of hurdles that are standing between you and your biggest goals. 

  • Want to make more money so you can quit your day job and pursue your passion full-time? Book clients in advance.
  • Want to bring in a stable income and have better job security as a service-based business? Book clients in advance.
  • Want to pursue your business on your own terms instead of working 12+ hour days? Book clients in advance.

But how do you get to the point where you can start a client waiting list? And how do you manage it after you started it?

I’m sharing what I’ve learned from creating and managing a waiting list of over 250+ prospective design clients in this post.

How a Non-Salesy Weekly Webinar Series Can Transform Your Business

How a Non-Salesy Weekly Webinar Series Can Transform Your Business

What comes to mind when you hear the word “webinar"?

Due to either tuning into a webinar or trying to host one yourself, you probably think of an hour-long live video stream of helpful information....that eventually ends in a sales pitch. 

We’ve been conditioned to believe that the only way to use a webinar for our business is to sell. (And I don’t know about you, but that’s annoying from an attendee perspective and overwhelming from a host perspective!)

But webinars don’t have to be used solely for promotion. They don’t have to be hosted once in a blue moon. And they definitely don’t have to be salesy.

A non-salesy weekly webinar series can not only benefit but transform your business.

How to Build a Thriving Community Around Your Brand

How to Build a Thriving Community Around Your Brand

Running an online business has numerous benefits (less overhead, more flexibility, the ability to work from home, the potential for passive income).

But it comes with its own share of struggles. The biggest one, I’ve found, being a lack of community and interaction with other people.

We’re unable to see the faces of those who are reading our posts, tuning into our webinars, and following along on social media. It’s more challenging to get to know people when you aren’t seeing them and interacting in person.

But all hope isn’t lost!

The internet actually allows us more opportunities to build and foster community around our businesses; we just have to know where to look for them.

12 Proven Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website Today

12 Proven Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website Today

So you launched your website.

You spent a bunch of time perfecting the design, layout, photos, and copy, and you even have your blog up and running.

You check your analytics to see how many people are flooding into your site day after day, but the numbers are few. Where is everyone?

It’s easy to get discouraged. Especially when a higher number of visitors has the potential to open doors down the road, whether it’s a sponsorship opportunity, collaboration, job offer, book deal, or a new client.

But over the years, I've discovered 12 proven ways to drive traffic to your website today, and I'm sharing them all in this post.

How to Set Up Your Asana Dashboard from Scratch

How to Set Up Your Asana Dashboard from Scratch

There are so many plates that you have to keep spinning when you run a business, from keeping track of client projects to marketing and promotion to administrative tasks and everything in between.

It’s impossible to keep up with all of these tasks from memory. 

And as much as I love traditional paper planners, it’s difficult to keep up with them all in there, too, especially if you have a team.

That’s where a project management system like Asana can be life changing; it acts as a homebase for all of the tasks involved in running your business.

But just like any app, it takes some time to learn how to use Asana effectively.

So today I’m inviting you behind the screen to show you exactly how to set up Asana from scratch.