Coffee Date

Coffee Date with Rachel Cox

I've been excited about this Coffee Date for weeks! Rachel Cox is the girl behind Oh, Simple Thoughts, an encouraging space where she shares little snapshots of her life - thoughts, recipes, projects (and some really amazing giveaways!) I had been following along with Rachel for a few months when an email from her popped up in my inbox, just to say hello and cheer me on with Elle & Company. Needless to say, this girl is thoughtful, sincere, and oh-so encouraging. 

What better way to end this fun, full week at Elle & Company than to share a Coffee Date with a sweet, new friend? 

What's in your coffee cup this morning?

Well I wish I could say it was something super fancy, like a caramel latte, or a cappucino, but it is some really great strong plain coffee that I made in my French Press. I recently signed up for a monthly subscription of coffee through a company called Sweet Aroma Coffee. The owner is a blog friend, Christin. Anyways, she and her husband have started this business to help bring women out of sex trafficking and the money they make selling coffee goes towards that goal. So while my coffee is just plain Jane regular coffee, I feel super humbled to get to drink coffee that is bring used for such an awesome gospel oriented mission!

Describe a day-in-the-life of Rachel Cox.

I work full time for a new church plant in our city. However, because it is a new church plant and really small, my job changed every month it seems. So right now during the summer while college students are gone (we live in a college town and most of my normal work is with them), my mornings consist of running (occasionally), drinking coffee, playing with Piper the pup, and catching up on some reading. I always help my husband, Ben, get his lunch packed for work, and then I hit the ground running with blog stuff, design projects, and errands. I do a lot of work with the families in our church so on an average day I may go to the pool or park with a family and help with their kids, or I may go babysit while a mom runs errands... basically, I wear many hats, and I really love it that way!

Your blog is one of my favorites to follow along with. How did you get into the blogging scene?

Honestly, it just kinda happened. I started blogging off and on in college, and never really stuck with it. But then when Ben and I got engaged, I created Oh, Simple Thoughts as a way to keep up with our engagement. Slowly my blog turned into more than that and became a hobby for me. Since then I have just fallen in love with the creative outlet of blogging. I have discovered so much about myself and my passions through being a part of the blog world!

Life has a tendency to get busy and stressful. How do you simplify?

Amen, it does get so busy, and now that we have just recently added a puppy to our life, my schedule has gotten turned upside down. That is a whole different conversation though, all I will say is think of a puppy the way you would a baby... there are very few differences on a basic level... they both need so much taking care of initially!

Simplifying... well, I have begun this week to create a capsule wardrobe. AHH! So I have been purging my closet, and throwing out SO MUCH. It has been really hard and uncomfortable for me, but I am loving the simplicity of having a few go to outfits, better defining my style and not letting my wardrobe cause me stress and anxiety every day! I will be sharing about this whole process in the months ahead on my blog!

As a fellow designer, do you have any words of wisdom on why design is so important?

Well, to put it very simply, I think life is meant to be beautiful, and design aids in that. I think that often times emotions, feelings, and thoughts are difficult to put into words, but they can be expressed easily through creativity and art such as design, architecture, painting... etc. The Lord really longs to have us use our unique gifts to bring him glory, and to demonstrate beauty in this world, so for me designing pretty things is just a little tiny snapshot of the Lord!

You post so many delicious recipes on Oh, Simple Thoughts. If you could learn to make any dish, what would it be?

Well, a month ago that dish would have been risotto, but I have conquered that one, so I just want to learn how to make it better, and try different varieties. I think the recipe I am longing to learn is my grandmother's homemade sweet pickles. She passed away last summer but gave me the original recipe written by her mother before she died. The pickles take two months to make, and the reason I have yet to try them is because the recipe is written with instructions like, "let cucumbers soak in brine until it can float an egg"...what?! So super vague and mildly confusing... but it is on my list to try, and I will master them one day!

Jake is joining me on this last question. The first year of marriage can be hilarious. Are you and Ben willing to share any good stories?

Oh marriage, and life with a boy. I could keep you here all day telling you stories I bet. One funny one - The night after we got back from our honeymoon and were staying in our house for the first time together right before we were going to bed, I noticed Ben putting his shoes on and getting his keys out...I was kinda confused but didn't say anything. He started walking to the door and was like, "do you want me to walk you out to your car to say good night?"... I just looked at him and said, "Um...I live here too now." It was a super funny moment, and we still laugh about it. The adjustment to married life is sweet, funny, and hard sometimes!

Follow along with Rachel

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If you were to sneak a peek at my Daybook Planner, you would find at least two coffee dates penciled in each week. Not only do I love a good excuse to get my Starbucks fix; I soak up spending an hour (or three) of one-on-one time with the sweetest, most encouraging ladies I know.

Each Friday, I bring that same laid back atmosphere and warm conversation to the blog and introduce you to some of my favorite people. These women are all in different seasons of life, they come from different backgrounds, and they have great stories and wisdom to share. My hope is that you'll walk away feeling encouraged like I do each time I'm around them.

So grab your favorite mug, pull out your Daybook, and pencil us in for Friday mornings. We now have a standing coffee date!

Coffee Date with Kaitlyn Blankenship

My childhood wouldn't have been the same without the pretty lady who's joining us for this morning's Coffee Date. Kaitlyn and I were inseparable from the time we were 5 years old, spending every weekend at each other's house and practically sharing families. We spent hundreds of hours "playing pretend" and dreaming about our future. Our plans? To attend Virginia Tech together, live in an RV on campus (ha!), meet our future husbands, and live happily ever after.

Fifteen years later, I think our 9-year-old selves would be elated over how things turned out. We checked off every dream on that list. (Okay, all except the RV. Can't say we're too disappointed about that one...) But the best part? We're still great friends. I'm so excited for you to meet the girl who's been a sister to me since kindergarten. Friends, meet Kaitlyn!


What's in your coffee cup this morning?

No coffee cup for me. I haven't ever really gotten into coffee. I am just a milk person. I don't feel like I've eaten breakfast if I haven't had any milk. My husband likes to make fun of me for this because he claims the only time I get up early on a Saturday is if we were out of milk and I had to run to the grocery store.

Give us a glimpse into a "day in the life" of Kaitlyn.

Oh boy... well, let's flashback to before Toph got a new job and had to move until I finished up school, and to before this last week of school when things are crazy. Ha! Typically, I wake up and get ready as fast as I can because I like to get to work early. It helps me feel more prepared if I can spend some time thinking through the day. My commute to work is my time to meditate on truth and preach the gospel to myself. Often times I do that through listening to music. I need this "talking to myself" time before I walk into the busy environment of an elementary school and my mind is in a million places at once. I also need this so that I can have a more gracious heart as a teacher. Somewhere between 8:10 and 3:45 I manage to teach what needs to be covered, get my students to sit still long enough to do their work, be a referee for 2nd grade drama (yeah, apparently they have drama), repeat directions hundreds of times, listen to the lamest excuses for needing to see the school nurse, and laugh... a lot. I usually stay after work to clean/organize, grade papers, make copies, or whatever else comes up!

I get home later than I ever though an elementary school teacher got home but it's worth it. Then I make dinner while Toph tells me about work (which is a lot of engineer talk that I do not understand) and make him listen to all the cute (or annoying) things my students did that day. I've gotten better at resisting the urge to do work at home that doesn't really need to be done that quickly.  This makes time for reading on our back porch, walking JoJo, or a run before bed. My day feels busy but I probably won't know "busy" until I am a working mom. I am blessed to have a job that I love going to, a husband I can't wait to come home to, and a God who has graciously sustained me this year.


I'm sure that being an elementary school teacher can get crazy. How do you simplify and keep it all together?

Post-it notes. I use them like crazy. I also make a lot of lists. Lists of what I have left to grade, lists of to-do's for home and school, lists of long term to-do's and deadlines to keep in mind. Lately I've just been using a small 5-subject notebook for the lists and to make notes in. Throughout the day, I have to be able to jot things down quickly before I forget so I can keep track of it all and having this notebook to grab helps me keep it all together. And as I mentioned earlier, I have to stop myself from wanting to do it all at once or as quickly as I can and think, "What can wait until the weekend?" or "Do I really need to do that?" As my mom would tell you, I've inherited her tendency to say "yes" to any commitment or to make more work for herself when it doesn't really  need to be done. I'm trying to get better at discerning that now that I've gotten some experience as a teacher.

You and Toph recently celebrated your 2 year anniversary (woohoo!) What is the funniest habit that you two have formed?

Oh goodness. Ha! This is a tough one. We are really weird. Let's see... I'm not sure if this is a "habit" as much as it is an ongoing joke. I have always loved the movie Footloose. I've seen it countless times (but not as many as Remember the Titans, of course). So if you've seen it, you know the classic part where Ren is all angry and frustrated with the town and their rules so he goes to dance it out. He's kicking and running around and dancing... mixed in with some gymnastics and banging his fist on stuff while "Never" by Moving Pictures plays. Anyway, Toph does a GREAT impression of this and one night started reenacting the scene... moving around the house and dancing all frustrated and it was the funniest thing I've ever seen. So now, we call it "footloose stress relief" and together we reenact the scene (well, Toph does it and I can't move from laughing so hard). The best part is we'll be talking about something serious and then it'll transition into "man, I just can't take this!" and we start banding our fist on the wall and moving/dancing around the house like Ren. It might only be funny if you actually see it happen... but I warned you, we are weird.

What is something you've been loving lately?

God's faithfulness - in a personal sense. I've been humbled to see how God has provided for me. What I love most about it is that He's done it in a season of my life when I feel like I've been pretty inconsistent in prayer, reading the Word, and other spiritual disciplines that I can easily put on a "I am loving God today" checklist in my mind. Since I am prone to think more about my performance rather than Christ's sufficiency for me, it's nice to have so much proof lately that God's goodness towards me and His provision are not determined by my works or the degree of my love for Him. He is faithful even when I am unfaithful. He delights to give good gifts to His children. Obviously I pray I'll grow in faithfulness, but seeing His goodness despite my unworthiness has been a healthy and awesome reminder of His grace.

On a smaller scale, I've also been loving: the fact that we have moved back to Salem, Coldplay, Sour Skittles (I forgot about these until the other day), the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, and my precious students who I have to say goodbye to today. They are the best.

Just for fun, what was the best question you were asked by one of your students this year?

Man, I wish my memory were better. I'm sure there are so many good ones that I'm not remembering. I do remember one that was blurted out during the middle of a math lesson...

"Mrs. Blankenship, is Barack Obama on the 8-dollar bill?" (My autistic student who loves money asked this. I wondered where on earth he got that idea from... but sure enough, I googled it, found one that someone must've created, and put it up on the Smart Board for the kids to see. He was so excited.)

Also, earlier this week I was just letting my kids talk and play games like "7 up" and "peanut butter" (remember playing those in elementary school?) since it's the last week of school, and one of my more difficult students, who I have had the hardest time motivating to learn and pay attention, comes up to me and says, "What are we doing?" I said, "What do you mean?" and he asked, "Well, aren't you supposed to be teaching us or something?" Mmmm.... nahhh. 

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Jake's jumping in again this week, so brace yourself! His request: A "dog shaming" photo of JoJo. 

Toph sent me this one from this week. JoJo loves chocolate - of course!

Sidenote: if you have never heard of "dog shaming", google it and look at the images. It had us in stitches earlier this week!

Click here to view more Coffee Dates, and here to follow along with Kaitlyn on Instagram.

And don't forget - the Elle & Company Instagram Giveaway for a Daybook Planner ends tomorrow! Click here to enter your name into the drawing. Happy Friday!

Coffee Date with Kat Schmoyer

Do the names Kat Schmoyer or Dear Sweetheart Events ring a bell to you? I wouldn't be surprised! This pretty wedding planner has been doing big things ever since she started her business in the fall. (You also may have seen her in Tuesday's post or in my roundup of encouraging ladies a couple months ago!) It's no surprise that her business has taken off; Kat's love for others and her joy of wedding planning is obvious. I find myself smiling when I read her blog posts and her captions on Instagram because she has this great way of staying cheerful and positive. 

What better way to celebrate Kat's new brand and website launch this past week than to feature her on the blog this morning? Grab your coffee cup, get comfy, and enjoy some time getting to know Kat.

What's in your coffee mug this morning?

Now that the weather is beautiful, I've been enjoying iced coffee... with way more hazelnut creamer than actual coffee.

Give us a glimpse into a "day in the life" of Kat.

On my... well I work full time & run my business on the side, so 8 hours of my weekday always look the same; the others vary depending on my DSE to-dos! Here's a pretty average day, though:

  • Get to my day-job around 7:45am
  • Send/answer DSE emails, blog/pre-blog and work on timelines when I can throughout the day
  • Spend my lunch break at Michaels or TJ Maxx scoring amazing finds for shoots & weddings or chatting on the phone with a bride/vendor about planning to-dos
  • Get home from work around 4:45pm
  • On a "work night," I will have 2 or 3 video chats scheduled with potential brides, current brides, or vendors I'm working with. (Mon-Thurs: I try to schedule 2 nights a week as "work nights" for DSE, 1 night a week for a "date night" with Matt - no emails or DSE work - and 1 night to prep for the Fri-Sat events! I'm still learning the best way(s) to balance everything, but I like to think I'm getting better at it!)
  • I go to bed around 10 and watch an episode of House Hunters with Matt before falling asleep (one of my favorite parts of the day!)

Being a small business owner can be busy and stressful. How do you keep it all together?

Jesus. No really, I'm serious! :) I have to remember that my business is not my own & never was my own. The Lord is blessing me SO MUCH right now and I always want to remember that it comes from Him & Him alone. He's in control over the good AND bad, and that's humbling to remember. I have to remind myself to not get anxious or stressed, and to keep the right perspective. Practically, though, what helps keep me sane? My husband. For being my assistant on wedding days, for listening to me talk "wedding" all.the.time. and for making me laugh when I want to cry. Oh, and my planner. My planner is pretty much my best friend, too. :)

Your new site launched last week and it looks absolutely gorgeous! What insight would you give other small business owners about the importance of good design?

My website is the home for my business; so I wanted it to reflect that in every way possible. Just like when you open your front door & invite guests into your home, I wanted every single thing about my website to invite readers & brides in. Every detail has a purpose and emphasizes my brand. And, not only does it fit my brand aesthetically, but it's also functional and easy to navigate. There are some websites/blogs I don't read just because the format is confusing to me. I wanted to make sure mine was clean & refreshing, yet still bright & cheerful!

Another tip? Hire a designer you completely trust! I knew that the design process was NOT my talent... while I like to think I'm good at creative shoot design & reception design, I'm not good at technological design! I knew I couldn't design my own logo or collateral materials or website on my own. I'd go crazy! I hired an amazing designer (Ashlee Proffitt) and she completely understood me and my vision for DSE! Just like a bride needs to love & trust her wedding planner, a branding client needs to feel the same way about their designer. It's okay to contact several designers to find the right fit for your personality & vision. I reached out to a few and while they were all amazing, I felt a connection with Ashlee and I'm glad I followed that "gut instinct!" I am so excited my new site is live & I get to show off my brand to the world :)

It must be so exciting to plan weddings, especially after being a newlywed yourself! What is your favorite thing about marriage?

The ordinary things. We didn't live together before we were married, so it's this feeling of "playing house" and I LOVE it! I love coming home & finding him sitting on the couch (since he's always home before me); I love laying in bed watching HGTV together; I love that he cooks really amazing meals for me; and I love that he's always there to say something silly or break into a dance move in the kitchen (yes, it happens a lot & yes, he's probably mad I'm telling you this!)

Just for fun, which celebrity wedding would be the most fun to plan and why?

Britney & Justin. They need to get back together :)

Jake is jumping in on our Coffee Date this morning, so brace yourself. Here's his question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how good is your hog call? 

HAHAHA! I grew up on a hog farm, and I showed hogs all over the state of Virginia... while I never entered a hog calling competition, I'd give myself a solid 7 in that category. Nice question, Jake :)

Hop on over to Kat's new website and be sure to enter the awesome giveaways that she's throwing this week (one is to win a Daybook Planner with all the bells and whistles!) Be sure to follow along with her on Instagram and Facebook, too - with wedding season in full-force, I have a feeling she has some fun things in store. 

Coffee Date with Jake

Although you read about him twice each week in Monday's Letters, our friends and family would agree that you can't get the full Jake experience without meeting him. He's quite the character! In honor of his "birthday week," I agreed to feature him on the blog for Elle & Company's very first male Coffee Date. Not only will this give you better insight into the girl behind the blog, but I hope it provides you with a smile or two on this Wednesday morning. 

What's in your coffee cup this morning?

Folger's coffee that I made and fixed for Lauren. It probably is the best part of wakin' up. 

Describe your morning routine.

I wake up, start the coffee maker, then I go for a run. I try to run every morning to help clear my head. After a few miles around the neighborhood and a shower, Lauren finally makes it out of bed for breakfast and Bible study together.

Describe your ideal "birthday week."

Birthday week consists of getting amazing "surprises" and "presents" every day of the week leading up to your birthday. This year my birthday falls on a Friday so I'm enjoying birthday week for a full 6 days. So, my ideal birthday week is a new car on Sunday, tickets to the Superbowl on Monday, a new flat screen TV mounted into the ceiling above our bed Tuesday... I could go on but I don't want to sound greedy.

How do you simplify?

By looking ahead to the upcoming week. I don't know if it simplifies or complicates things.

Tell us something people might never guess about you.

I can be sarcastic.

Tell us something people might never guess about Lauren.

Lauren can be sarcastic, too.

If you could write a book, what would it be about?

It would be a long series, but I will give you a sneak peek. It would be a crazy story following a young woman that has to fight for her district in order to feed everyone. I'd call it, "The Games of Hunger."

What's something that made you smile this week?

Typically, Lauren and I watch TV shows to unwind. I'm literally smiling now because we watched a series on Netflix last week called, "Who the (Bleep) Did I Marry?"

What song have you been dancing to in the kitchen this week?

That's easy. Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.'s "War Zone." And yes, the band is called Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.

And last but not least, what is your favorite memory from this past year and a half of marriage?

There are a lot of great memories that we have had together. For me, it's always the simple things we do together like riding bikes and eating Ben & Jerry's on the couch.

Do you have any questions for Jake this morning? I'm sure he would get a kick out of it and I admit... I probably would too :)

Coffee Date with Logan Gibson

I love having the opportunity to share my friends with you every Friday through this Coffee Date series. It gives you a chance to meet other encouraging ladies and it gives me a chance to catch up with them - a win-win for everyone! While I often share women who have other creative businesses or blogs, I also have the chance to feature some unsung heroes - ladies who are doing great big things in the simple day-to-day.

Logan Gibson is one of those gals. I was blessed to have several classes with her during our time at Virginia Tech, even though we didn't share the same major. And I've since been keeping up with her, especially during the last 11 months. Why, you ask? Keep reading!

Friends, I'm so very excited for you to meet Logan.

What's in your coffee cup this morning?

I absolutely love coffee! I typically take mine black, the darker the roast and the bolder the flavor the better. However, for the last 11 months I have been traveling around the world participating in a mission trip known as the World Race. While there have been some great cups of coffee (like the cinnamon coffee served in a miniature French Press I got at a coffee shop in Kiev), most of the coffee I've had looks more like my cup this morning. Nescafe 1+2 instant coffee served out of a little flavor packet mixed with hot water from one of those office-type coolers. I can only assume the 1+2 means coffee + sugar/creamer. While the flavor leaves something to be desired, fellow coffee addicts can attest that bad coffee is better than no coffee. 

What is the first thing you did today?

Today is an "off day" for me here in China. Our team does ministry 6 days a week, so off days are either spent in a rush of touristy activity or savored in slow hours of relaxation. This is one of those savoring days, and my morning has been idyllic. After sleeping in, I made my way to a second story terrace that overlooks the complex of our ministry site this month. With the aforementioned cup of coffee and a plate of fresh cherries purchased from the village's Lunar Market, I enjoyed time in prayer and reading God's Word. I would love if everyday started like this, slowly entering the world's busyness with the peace that comes from time with God, but my mornings typically look a little different. This month in China the norm has been to roll out of bed at 7:30, get ready in a 10 minute routine perfected from months on end of third world living, order breakfast in the cafeteria while stumbling through the few Chinese phrases I've learned, and head off to prayer meeting and ministry.

What's something you've been loving lately?

Lately I have been loving Judah Smith, the pastor of City Church in Seattle, Washington. While I have never met him or been to his church, I did hear him speak once before when I worked at Liberty University. His book, Jesus is ______, was being passed around my team, and a couple months ago fell into my hands. It was one of those times where I assumed I was just reading a book, but God had much bigger plans. He brought this book into my life with a divine appointment to bring together months of lessons on His grace, love, and freedom that He has been teaching me. Smith's words resonate with my soul because they are presented with hilarious truth in the most down to earth way. I often listen to City Church podcasts now on long travel days, off days, or as a makeshift church with my team.

What's something you struggle with and what are you learning as a result?

My 11 months of missions and world traveling are rapidly coming to a close (I will be Stateside May 30th), so the big question on everyone's mind is, "What will you do next?" The stress and pressure this question produces takes me back to finishing college 3 years ago when I graduated with a BA in history, no job plans, and a failed MRS degree. My struggle lies in releasing the decisions to God and trusting fully in His timing and plans. Before coming on the Race I was so hopeful that God would place a specific country, people group, or ministry on my heart that I would be pursuing post-Race. So far in my prayers and the words spoken over me, this is what I've heard from The Lord: "I have your future in my hands. Even though you cannot see it right now, trust Me." Through this time of God asking me to wait I am learning what it truly means to relax into God, experience His presence, and be content and at peace in a time of uncertainty.

Life can get busy and stressful. How do you simplify?

Usually to organize my chaotic thoughts and mass of activities, I resort to a classic To Do list. The last year of my life, however, has been a time of constant transitioning and never really knowing what your schedule is going to be, which induces quite a bit of stress. To Do lists don't  work for that. I've craved order, simplicity, and routine more than I ever thought I would. The best way I've found to simplify is often the hardest because it means relinquishing control, the exact thing we often feel we need in order to simplify. What I do is become "God aware." Breathing out quick prayers before beginning tasks. Telling Him my plans for the day, and then opening myself up to change. I find that the more I open my heart to Him, the more my perspective changes, and the simpler my life becomes.

And lastly, what is something that made you smile this week?

My reasons for smiling this week are all chubby cheeks, tiny fingers, and footsie pajamas. I am currently working with a foster home for children with special needs and physical disabilities here in China, and I have been blessed with hours of holding the smallest of these babies as my ministry. There is something profoundly joyful and deeply spiritual about cradling new life in your arms. Staring into their bright, deep brown eyes I am amazed by all the miracles God has already performed in their lives. Successful surgeries, organ transplants, and diseases just disappearing. God's love is etched into their very beings. And as I hold them, I pray for the next miracle I know our Heavenly Father has planned, adoption into a loving family.

Do you want to keep up with Logan? Follow along with her on Instagram, Twitter, and on her blog!

Now it's your turn to join in the conversation. What's in your coffee cup this morning? Have you ever participated in any overseas mission work?