Monday's Letters

Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. Hooker, apparently saying "I do" to spending the rest of my life with you also meant that I said "I do" to coming down with any and every sickness that you will ever have. Last month you passed along your poison ivy, this weekend I acquired your cold. Sharing germs willingly? That's love.

Dear NC DMV, "hospitable" is not an adjective I would use to describe your attitude toward new residents. Even though Jake and I have been driving for just shy of 10 years now, you are requiring that we take a driving test to obtain our NC driver's licenses. So today we're reliving our awkward teenage years (sans-braces) with a trip to visit you. Welcome to North Carolina.

Dear Tupelo Honey, it was love at first sight. Your pretty outdoor lighting, wooden beams, colorful menus, and those chocolate mints you offer on the way out the door - it seems like no detail was overlooked. Oh, and your food is delicious, too! Jake and our friends picked on me for the joy that all of your design details brought me, but what can I say? Pretty design makes my heart dance.

Dear Jake, Elle & Company followers get to read about you in Monday's Letters each week, but they don't get to see your involvement in this business behind the scenes. Thank you for all of the late night brainstorm sessions, encouragement, and excitement over what's in store this summer. Knowing that I have your support means the world. 

Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. Hooker, you got crafty with some leftover 2x4s yesterday and made a backdrop for my product photography, and I was super impressed! Thank you for being so supportive and turning my bright ideas into Sunday projects. You're quite the catch.

Dear Molly, visits from you are my favorite. You stop in to say hello at least once a week, and as soon as you break through the door your happy tail sends you into a full body wiggle. Oftentimes you're soaked from a swim in the pond or a splash in your water bowl, but I can't get upset. Those sweet puppy dog eyes melt my heart.

Dear Stephanie Blondet, your tweet last week encouraged my terrible secret-keeping self to let the cat out of the bag. Updates to the Elle & Company shop are coming oh-so soon, and I have not one... not two... but THREE launches up my sleeve! Thanks for following along with me!

Dear Jakester, looks like you weren't the only one who got spoiled rotten on your birthday. Your sweet mom sent you a package of goodies on Friday and snuck in some new sandals for me. Woohoo! Looks like your "birthday week" wasn't so bad after all :)

The June Newsletter goes out this afternoon, so be sure to sign up for it in the right-hand column if you haven't already! Stay tuned this week for printables, new posts, and maybe even a sneak peek or two. Happy Monday!

Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. Hooker, you were in a wedding this past Saturday, so we shouldn't have been surprised when Friday morning turned into a comedy of errors. Faulty clippers botched my attempt at giving you a decent haircut and somehow your tux ended up in Rock Hill, SC instead of Roanoke, VA. It may have added an extra hour to our trip, but it did make for some laughs at the rehearsal dinner!

Dear birthday week, your very name displays what a silly concept you are. Every time the week of May 30th rolls around, my husband reminds me of you and asks me each morning what I have in store for his "birthday week." This year I've decided to play into it because after all, Jake Hooker deserves to be celebrated more than one day each year. Just know that you will not be forgotten when July 23rd rolls around... ;)

Dear kitchen table, you are currently overtaken with Daybooks and packaging materials for the Bloom Conference. I might be a little biased, but they just might have the coolest swag bags ever.

Dear Jake, our weekend was chocked full of family meals, cookouts, reunions with childhood friends, and countless games of peak-a-boo and tag with our nieces and nephews. We left Virginia this afternoon feeling tired and oh so loved. We are blessed.

Happy Memorial Day, friends! What was the highlight of your 3-day weekend?

Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. Hooker, what is it about trips to Harris Teeter that turn us back into a couple of 8-year-olds? We teased each other in the produce section, competed in a speed walking race down the frozen food aisle, and probably drove the U-Scan lady crazy with our incessant laughter. I can't take you anywhere ;)

Dear Be a Blessing Challengeyou backfired on me in the sweetest of ways this weekend. Not only did I receive a cheerful package in the mail from my dear friend Jenny (complete with a thoughtful note and my favorite coffee!), but I was so surprised when Amanda Chancey surprised me at our front door with a box of fresh-picked strawberries. I'm so thankful for intentional acts of kindness - they worked wonders on this girl's heart.

Dear Adobe Creative Suite, thanks to you, I can make changes to my website and my branding whenever my heart desires. So last week, when I probably should have been studying for grad school exams, you got me sidetracked into designing new pages for this little website. Hooray for a new homepage and Coffee Date gallery!

Dear Jake, you have the best way of making simple things so fun. Doing the dishes isn't such a chore when you blast some music and start a dance party, studying and writing papers is much more bearable when you interrupt them with walks around the neighborhood, and car rides are always full of laughter when you sing any and every song in your "Creed voice". A lifetime with you is sure to bring me lots of smile wrinkles and side stitches, and I surely wouldn't have it any other way.

Each Monday I write four letters: two letters to my husband and two random letters to whatever else is on my heart each week. What originally started as a fun way to record events and funny stories pleasantly developed into a weekly habit of practicing thankfulness. To see past letters, click here.

Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. Hooker, we both look so much like our mamas, and judging by the photo above, I'd say that's a very good thing. Both of our moms go out of their way to visit us, fill our mailbox with thoughtful cards, spoil us with awesome cooking, and shower us with a whole lot of love. How did we ever get so blessed? Happy belated Mother's Day Mom and Martha! I'm sad that we weren't able to hug you in person, but you were on our hearts all day yesterday. You both are dearly loved. 

Dear poison ivy, you got your hands/leaves on my husband while he was doing yard work two weeks ago, and you won't let him forget it. You've spread like wildfire on the poor guy and you've somehow managed to jump onto me, too. We have tried every home remedy to kick you once and for all, but you are one tough cookie. Maybe some of my blog friends know something I don't (help!)

Dear Psalm 13, you and I are getting to be pretty close companions this week. Ten pages of reflection and research on your verses have challenged my brain and my heart. Thank you for teaching me to be transparent in prayer and hopeful in God's promises.

Dear Jake, after a year-long Instagram sabbatical, you decided to share your photography skills with the world once more. At first I was supportive of you coming out of hibernation, but after a day full of "paparazzi" yesterday... I'm thinking that it may have been better when your account laid dormant. Life is never boring with you!

Happy Monday, friends! Who's your favorite person to follow on Instagram?