5 Benefits of Scheduling Social Media (And Our Buffer Strategy)

5 Benefits of Scheduling Social Media (And Our Buffer Strategy)

There are several roles involved in running a business - boss, administrative assistant, social media strategist, marketing director, accountant, copywriter… the list goes on. Most days I find myself doing a strange, frantic dance, running around trying to keep every plate spinning. 

If you, too, are in the throws of entrepreneurship, I’m sure you can relate. It’s tough juggling everything, wearing 20 hats, and keeping up with all the important details and deadlines. 

That’s where this post comes in.

3 New Elle & Company Brands + Websites

3 New Elle & Company Brands + Websites

My 2-week design process has made things a little busy around here! I've booked over 20 projects for 2015 and it feels like this year has flown quicker than all the rest.

With little turnover time between clients, e-courses in full-swing, and the launch of the Collaborative in less than one week, I have a few fun brands that haven't made an appearance on the blog quite yet.

So if you enjoy Elle & Company client project reveal days, you're in for a treat. I have 3 new brands and websites to share with you today (along with a little snippet of the process behind each one)! 

3 Strategies That Took Our Business From Stagnant to Successful

3 Strategies That Took Our Business From Stagnant to Successful

Last month I took a slight departure from my normal business how-to posts and shared how a simple shift in mindset helped our business grow. 

The aim of the post was to encourage readers to think differently about their businesses; to focus less on passion (which often isn’t lacking in a creative small business owner) and put more of an emphasis on strategy (which has the potential to grow a business and keep it up and running). 

I received a lot of positive feedback on the post, including this comment from one of our faithful Elle & Company readers, Audrika:

“I have to chime in with the rest, and say that this is one of the best posts you've put out lately, Lauren. I continue to be inspired and impressed with your work ethic and your drive. I'm curious, would you be willing to elaborate on the specifics of how you changed your focus / business plan to make it something that actually helps you achieve your goals? I often find myself caught in the specifics of crafting an action plan that both compounds to results over time and is also achievable.”

So today I’m doing just that by elaborating on the 3 key strategies we used to take Elle & Company from stagnant to successful. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for creating a successful business, my hope is that you’ll be able to grab a few big takeaways and radically transform your business, too.

5 Easy Ways to Customize Your Squarespace Website

5 Easy Ways to Customize Your Squarespace Website

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of Squarespace. It’s a fantastic option for business owners and bloggers who need a simple, beautiful platform for building a website. It’s mobile-friendly and user-friendly. There isn’t a huge learning curve for figuring out the back-end. And if you’d like to hear me go on more about all its benefits, you can read this post.

But because Squarespace templates are beautiful, simple, and easy to setup, many users have a hard time customizing their site and making it look one-of-a-kind. 

That’s where today’s post comes in. I’ve compiled some of the most helpful tools I’ve discovered for switching up the look of a Squarespace site. Some of these might be new to you and some might already be built into your template, but I hope you’re able to walk away with a few new ideas for making your Squarespace site your own.