Brand + Website Design for Jen Neal Photography

Brand + Website Design for Jen Neal Photography

With every client branding project, I make it my mission to not only create a distinct visual identity for each business but to develop a system for how all of the design elements work together.

Not only does it make for a more polished, professional brand in the long-run, but it makes it much easier to implement a brand into my client's website and collateral items like business cards, social media images, product packaging, etc. 

Jen Neal's new brand goes down as one of my favorite design projects because of the system we created with her vibrant colors, bold patterns, and classic typography. I'm excited to share the design process with you and offer a behind-the-scenes look at how I strategically incorporated each design element into her brand.

Clever Solutions to 4 of Your Biggest Blogging Hang-Ups

Clever Solutions to 4 of Your Biggest Blogging Hang-Ups

Blogging is a polarizing topic; it’s either one of those things business owners get really excited about or dread with a burning passion. 

Those with negative opinions of blogging usually dread it for the following reasons:

  • They don’t have the time
  • They don’t feel confident in their writing abilities
  • They don’t know what to blog about
  • Or they underestimate the amount of beneficial content they can share

Do you fall into the dread category? If you do, I bet you can relate to one (or all) of the reasons above. And if you don’t, you might reach a place someday where your excitement about blogging begins to fizzle and the dread starts to creep in.

Explaining the benefits of blogging can be motivation in and of themselves to overlook those reasons and get started, but today I’d rather tackle the dread head-on and provide some practical, helpful ways you can make blogging work for you.

Top 10 Tips for Aspiring Graphic Designers

Top 10 Tips for Aspiring Graphic Designers

While I love helping all creative business owners, I get especially excited when I receive emails from other graphic designers and aspiring graphic designers about my process, how I got started in the industry, and my advice for finding clients. 

I received one email last week from a design student asking me to share 10 insights on how to become a successful graphic designer. And as I was typing my response to her, I realized that many of you out there might be able to relate to many of these insights or glean something from them, too.

While these tips are geared toward designers, they can truly apply to any field. Here’s a look at 10 things I’ve learned from my 5+ years of freelance design experience.

The Glaring Issue with Using Social Media for Business

The Glaring Issue with Using Social Media for Business

The benefits of using social media for business are obvious. 

Social media platforms allow you to reach your target audience in the places where they hang out the most. They help you network with others in your industry (and stay up to date/keep an eye on what they’re up to). They give your audience the opportunity to follow along with you and it give you the opportunity to engage and communicate with them. 

And, oh yeah, social media accounts are free

But despite all of these excellent benefits, there’s one glaring issue with using social media for business. 

How to Implement My 2-Week Design Process (Video!)

How to Implement My 2-Week Design Process (Video!)

Ever since I shared my 2-week design process on the Elle & Company blog a few months ago, I've received a ton of comments and emails about the ins and outs of how it works.

So we decided to switch things up a bit from our normal blog content with a video explaining the benefits of the 2-week process as well as some tips for how you might be able to implement it for your service-based business.