Ellechat Recap: Streamlining Your Client Process

Ellechat Recap: Streamlining Your Client Process

What are the most difficult parts of handling client work in your business? 

Booking clients in advance? Figuring out what to charge for your time? Meeting deadlines? Balancing multiple projects? Maybe all of the above? 

In last week’s Ellechat we discussed streamlining your client process. A streamlined process is crucial to getting great results and having an efficient workflow. The more you follow the same process, the more you’re going to produce great work with less stress and more efficiency. 

I walked Ellechat attendees through the step-by-step method I used to not only streamline my process, but figure out my prices and schedule projects in my design queue. 

Business Owners: Stop Focusing on Yourself

Business Owners: Stop Focusing on Yourself

Since starting Elle & Company two and a half years ago, I’ve become increasingly aware of the many blessings involved with running a creative business. 

4 major blessings, in particular.

First, that I would be given some sort of creative gift in the first place. (Because, as helpful as it was to go to design school, creativity is innate to a certain extent.)

Second, that I would enjoy design and have a passion for creating brands and websites for other creative business owners.

Third, that I’m able to bring in an income from my lifelong love of design.

And fourth, that I’m able to help other creative business owners in the process. 

If you have your own creative business (or hope to start one in the near future), you can probably relate to all of the above. In fact, these blessings probably sparked your interest in creative entrepreneurship and led you to take the leap.

1  |  You have a creative gift
2  |  You have a passion for it
3  |  You want to make an income off of it
4  |  And you want to use it to help other people

It’s easy to focus on the first 3 on the list because they’re self-focused: Mygifts, my passion, my income. 

We take courses and spend time honing in on our craft. We read how-to posts and soak up strategies on how to gain more subscribers and customers to eventually make more money and increase our income. 

But that fourth one? It seems to get easily get overlooked in the hustle and bustle of running an online business. 

In an industry where it seems like more and more people are trying to share tips, build courses, and get ahead, I think there’s one thing that’s often lacking: a genuine interest in the success of others, without focusing on self gain.

Creating and Selling Digital Products with Kelsey from Paper + Oats

Creating and Selling Digital Products with Kelsey from Paper + Oats

Digital products are a fantastic passive income source for creative businesses. 

Unlike service-based work, items like stock images, printables, and digital files can be created and sold over and over again. You can do the work once, sell your products on autopilot, and bring in more income without little extra effort. 

More creatives are becoming aware of the benefits of digital products, and I thought it would be helpful to start a conversation on the topic. So two weeks ago I invited Kelsey Baldwin of Paper + Oats to join me for an Ellechat and discuss the ins and outs of creating and selling digital products.

The Power of Personal Connection: How One Tweet Landed Me In Entrepreneur.com

The Power of Personal Connection: How One Tweet Landed Me In Entrepreneur.com

If you use content marketing for your business, you’re probably aware that guest posting on other blogs is an effective way to gain influence and boost credibility much faster than simply posting on your blog. 

Especially if the website you’re writing for is established and authoritative. 

In fact, guest posting is a quick way to build your audience before you actually have an audience of your own, because you’re siphoning traffic from someone else’s site. 

Danny Iny is one of many who’s experienced massive growth through guest posting. (And if you’re curious, you can read about his success here.)

Guest posting is a powerful way to gain influence.

And it seems simple enough. You just write a post, send it to a website, and get published… right?

2 Simple Options for Connecting Squarespace and ConvertKit

2 Simple Options for Connecting Squarespace and ConvertKit

I made the decision to switch email marketing platforms from MailChimp to ConvertKit a little over 2 months ago, and I haven’t looked back.

I’m a fan of ConvertKit because it allows me to organize my list per subscriber with tags and segments, which has allowed me to understand my audience better. I also love how easy it is to set up automated emails and content upgrades using their platform. (I’ll have to do an in-depth post on all of my reasons for switching soon!)

But there’s one MailChimp feature that I do miss: Their easy integration with Squarespace.

Before I made the switch, I was able to set up a form on my Squarespace site, link it to one MailChimp lists, and I was good to go. 

Unfortunately, this isn’t an option with ConvertKit… yet. 

However, before any Squarespace users get bummed out about this, I have good news!

There are a couple simple solutions for syncing Squarespace and ConvertKit. 

And if I can implement them without any trouble, I’m certain you can, too.