What My Brand + Website Design Process Looks Like in 2019

What My Brand + Website Design Process Looks Like in 2019

Last year I took on a grand total of zero design clients.

I had no idea what my work schedule would look like once my son was born in April, so I cleared my schedule until I could wrap my mind around client work again.

Thankfully I still had other income sources through courses, coaching clients, and the Elle & Company Library.

Now that I’ve found my footing, I’m itching to dive back into design work and help creative business owners with their brands and websites in 2019!

And while my 2-week process isn’t feasible during this season, I do have a streamlined 8-week process that I’m excited to implement this year.

Follow up: Big Things I'm Doing Differently in 2018

Follow up: Big Things I'm Doing Differently in 2018

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

I always start out the year with high hopes and great aspirations (as evidenced by my last few blog posts and emails).

I love planning and goal setting, but it’s often the easiest part of the process. It’s fun scheming up ideas and making plans; it’s much harder to actually take action and bring them to fruition.

So in today’s post, I’m following up on my goals and plans from last year and giving you a transparent look at how they panned out.

Planning For Your Most Productive Year Yet

Planning For Your Most Productive Year Yet

The New Year marks a clean slate. It’s prime time for planning and goal setting, and while you may plan and set goals with good intentions, you won’t be able to carry them out if you aren’t productive. So in this first Ellechat podcast episode of 2019, I’m sharing 7 of my best productivity tips to help you start this year off on the right foot and actually make progress toward your business goals.

My Pared-Down Approach to Planning and Goal Setting

My Pared-Down Approach to Planning and Goal Setting

It’s that time of year!

Tomorrow marks the start of 2019 and I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for the fresh start and clean slate that January 1st brings.

I’ve tried my hand at many different goal-setting planners, journals, and apps for both business and personal use in the past, like the Best Self Journal, Cultivate What Matters PowerSheets, and the 5 Second Journal. And all of them worked well for the season I used them in.

But this year I’m paring down and taking a slightly different approach to setting goals, mapping out my time, and keeping up with my schedule.

7 Things I'm Doing to Prepare My Business for the New Year

7 Things I'm Doing to Prepare My Business for the New Year

I know there’s nothing magical about January 1st.

But every time December rolls around, I can’t help but look forward to the fresh start that a new year brings. Especially this year.

2018 was a year of many firsts for us with having our first baby and buying/renovating our first house, and I underestimated how long it would take to get into a regular rhythm for Elle & Company.

Now that my son is 8 months old and we’re all moved into our house, I finally feel like we’re reaching a new normal. The new year couldn’t be coming at a better time.

But before I dive into some exciting new ideas and projects, there are 7 things I’m doing to tie up loose ends, cap off the year, and start 2019 with a clean slate.