Brand Challenge Day 10: Design variations of your logo

Brand Challenge Day 10: Design variations of your logo

Whenever I’m designing a logo, I’m constantly thinking about how each element (like fonts, colors, and illustrations) can be pulled apart and used elsewhere in the brand to create consistency.

Especially for logo variations.

Chances are, the logo you just created/refined in Day 9 either fits well in a horizontal format or a perfect circle; but not both.

And that’s where today’s action step comes in.

This post is part of Elle & Company’s 4-week Brand Challenge. Click here to see more details, sign up, and access the free workbook.

Brand Challenge Day 9: Refine your primary logo

Brand Challenge Day 9: Refine your primary logo

While a logo isn’t a brand, it is one of the most memorable and recognizable components of a brand.

But where do you even begin to create a logo? What do you need to keep in mind? And if you already have a logo, how do you know if it’s up to par?

Today’s action step and how-to will help you create your logo from scratch if you don’t have one, or give you some important things to consider to see if your current logo needs revising.

This post is part of Elle & Company’s 4-week Brand Challenge. Click here to see more details, sign up, and access the free workbook.

Brand Challenge Day 8: Create an inspiration board

Brand Challenge Day 8: Create an inspiration board

Now that you’ve rounded up some visual inspiration, it’s time to clean it up a bit and compile your images onto an inspiration board.

An inspiration board is simply a graphic compiled of photos, colors, and patterns that provide visual direction for a design project (in this case, your brand).

You’ll come back to this board in the coming weeks for visual reference.

As you build out your brand, you’ll be able to weigh all of the visuals (like your logo, color palette, patterns, fonts, icons, etc.) against this board to ensure that every component stays consistent.

This post is part of Elle & Company’s 4-week Brand Challenge. Click here to see more details, sign up, and access the free workbook.

Brand Challenge Day 7: Gather visual inspiration

Brand Challenge Day 7: Gather visual inspiration

Now that you’ve considered some non-visual aspects of your brand, it’s time to take all of the work you’ve done up to this point and create some visuals.

But here’s the thing: It can be difficult to create visuals for a brand solely off keywords and a mission statement.

What does “vibrant, authentic, refreshing, and bold” actually look like?

Well, it can look like a lot of things. And that’s why it’s helpful to have a visual starting point.

This post is part of Elle & Company’s 4-week Brand Challenge. Click here to see more details, sign up, and access the free workbook.

Brand Challenge Day 6: Develop your tone and terminology

Brand Challenge Day 6: Develop your tone and terminology

I know, I know. I promised to help you come up with a visual direction for your brand this week.

But before we get into inspiration boards and logo designs, remember that your brand isn’t simply a logo and a color palette; it’s an experience.

There are two key components to a brand: tangibles and intangibles.

We often think about the tangible components, like logos, color palettes, and fonts.

But intangible components, like the words you use in your social media captions and the names of your products, can have a big impact on how your brand is perceived.

This post is part of Elle & Company’s 4-week Brand Challenge. Click here to see more details, sign up, and access the free workbook.