Sell Your Product
Hey there and thanks for signing up for this mini-course!
I’m Lauren Hooker, the graphic designer, business strategist, and founder of Elle & Company, and I’m excited to dive into how visuals can boost the visibility of your business and more importantly, your sales.
I’m confident that the material I’m about to share with you will be extremely beneficial.
But here’s the thing: Many people have a tendency to passively absorb this information and do nothing with it. That's a waste!
If you truly want to see results and more sales, you need to take action. Let's get started!
Mini-Module 1
The problem with many creative entrepreneurs' approach to selling products
Mini-Module 2
Why visuals?
Mini-Module 3
My 5-step process for creating an effective visual marketing campaign
But honestly, what I just shared with you barely scratches the surface; this is a very basic outline for creating an effective visual marketing campaign.
If you want to bring in more sales and higher profits from your products, you need my step-by-step, tried and true process that I cover in my Visual Marketing course!
I’m only offering this course with 25% off to you all, the people who’ve taken the time to work through this mini-course. That’s a $75 savings! $222 for instant access to a course that will help you bring in way more sales than you’re bringing in right now.
Visit and use the promo code minicourse25 to receive 25% off my Visual Marketing course. But hurry - the promo code expires in 48 hours!
Thanks again for joining in this mini-course. I hope it helps you create stronger, more effective visuals and bring in more sales than ever before.
Happy campaigning!