While there's no right or wrong way to blog, great content is the key to blogging success. But share-worthy content isn't always easy to come up with or create, is it? Today I'm coming to the rescue with 50 blog post ideas that you can use to provide your readers with quality content and keep them coming back for more.
Download the checklist!

I created a free checklist to help you brainstorm and implement these 50 blog post ideas.
1 | Share a behind-the-scenes look of your blog or business
Everyone loves getting sneak peeks of what your office looks like, photos of things "in the works" and looks at rough drafts. Michaela Noelle did this on her blog last week and it was a great success! It also adds a little personality to your blog and allows your readers to connect with you.
2 | Write a blog series on your process
Readers love to find out how you do what you do, so highlight each step of a project in a blog series and walk them through your process. This is helpful for readers who are in a similar field and for potential clients and customers.
Example: My Creative Process
3 | Roundup helpful posts and link to other bloggers
Readers also like finding out which blogs you follow along with and what posts you find interesting, so link to other bloggers and share articles and posts that might be helpful for your audience. (This is also a great way to connect and network with other bloggers. I can see which bloggers refer to me in my analytics and I almost always reach out to them!) Jenny Purr does a great job with link-ups.
4 | Write a post on how you got started
We all love a good success story. Share your experience and tell your readers how you got here. Plus, it's fun to document your journey and remember where you started. And on that note...
Example: Our Journey to 100,000 Unique Blog Visitors
5 | Share tips on how to become successful in your industry
Which resources and advice have helped you get to where you are? Don't keep all of those tips to yourself -share the love with your readers!
Example: 3 Strategies that Took Our Business from Stagnant to Successful
6 | Feature a professional in your field
This could take the form of reaching out to someone for a Q & A on your blog (like this Coffee Date with Molly Jaques) or just highlighting someone in your industry that you admire. This is also a great networking opportunity.
7 | Host a giveaway
Readers love getting free things, whether it's content, entertainment or goodies. Create excitement around you blog and reward your readers for following along with you by hosting a giveaway! Giveaways are also great marketing tools for your blog.
Example: What I Learned from Gaining 3,000 Instagram Followers in One Day (from hosting a giveaway)
8 | write a polarizing post about something you may not agree with in your field
While it's easy for all of us to go along with the crowd and do what's popular, there may be some things in your industry that you want to do differently. Write about it! (Please note that I'm not promoting negativity, complaining, ranting or bashing -there's a way to go about this tastefully and respectfully.
Example: Don't be Infatuated with Income Reports
9 | Make a list of things you wish you had known when...
Hindsight is 20/20 and we all have the opportunity to learn from others' mistakes. Share a handful of things you wish you had known when you first started blogging, writing, designing, doing calligraphy, photographing weddings, etc.
Example: 4 Things I Wish I Would Have Known When I Started Blogging
10 | share a day-in-the-life post
We all like to see how successful people go about their day. Write down your day (without going into too much detail) and give your readers an insider look!
Example: How I Work from Home and Stay Productive
11 | Ask someone to guest post about something specific in your industry
We never have all the answers and it's fun to get advice from other people that are doing great things in your field. It's also fun to highlight talented people and bring attention to their business. You could even look at it as a networking and marketing opportunity and do a trade -ask someone to guest post on your blog in return for guest posting on theirs.
Example: SEO Made Simple
12 | write an informational post about your blogging platform
Readers love learning about how you do what you do. Write a review of your blogging platform, the things you like and don't like and whether or not you would recommend it.
Example: How to Start a Blog: Why I Use Squarespace
13 | Roundup and highlight the tools you use in your trade
I said it in #12 but it's worth repeating -readers love learning how you do what you do. Make a list of things you use everyday and share it on your blog.
Example: 10 Things I Can't Design Without
14 | Teach your readers about something you're an expert in
We all love to learn from the pros and get insider information. Content like this will be shared over and over again and gain a lot of feedback.
15 | Share some takeaways from a recent experience, workshop or event
Have you attended an event related to your field in the last few months? Share it on the blog and highlight your favorite moments! Your readers will love reading about your experience and the workshop/conference may even share your post, too.
Example: 5 Things I Learned from Speaking at My First Conference
16 | Make a list of things people should avoid in your industry
Sometimes it's even more helpful to learn about what not to do. Share some common mistakes that people make and how to avoid them.
Example: Top 10 Design Mistakes to Avoid
17 | Highlight milestones, launches and important events
It's always good to have a reason for people to get excited about your blog/business. Make a big deal out of changes and events by featuring them on the blog!
Example: Exciting Changes to the Elle & Company Website (And Why We Made Them)
18 | Explain the meaning behind your blog/business name
Some names are straightforward, but some have a fun story behind them. Turn it into a blog post and share the store behind your blog/business name.
Example: How to Start a Blog: Choosing a Name
19 | Feature the people you work with
It's rare that we run a blog or business completely on our own; there are usually people who work for us or with us to help us keep things running, even if it's just by their encouragement. Use your blog to highlight them, promote them and feature their work.
Example: The One Thing That's Transformed My Business (My Husband, Jake)
20 | Make a list of things people may not know about your trade
There's always information out there that people are surprised to hear. For example, non-designers may not know that using Comic Sans is one of the biggest no-no's in this industry. Create a list of "did you know" items and share it with your readers. I guarantee it will be a hit.
Example: 10 Design Facts You Probably Never Knew
21 | Write a review of a product you use often
If you're a photographer, write about your favorite lenses. If you're a designer, share about your favorite software. If you're an entrepreneur, share the programs you use for project management and accounting. People are always on the lookout for helpful products and tools -share your feedback with them.
22 | repurpose old blog posts with a roundup
Chances are that you've spent hours on blog posts that are no buried in your archives. Share them again by doing a roundup! A Beautiful Mess does this at the end of every month to highlight their posts. Don't let those great posts go to waste.
23 | Repurpose an old blog post with a follow-up
Can you add onto something you've already done? Write a sequel or a "part 2" to an old blog post and make use out of that content again.
Example: 50 More No-Fluff, Content-Rich Blog Post Ideas
24 | Repurpose an old blog post with a revision
Do you have a post that you wrote a couple years ago that could be revamped or reused? Make some revisions and post it again!
25 | Share about how you use certain social media outlets for your blog/business
There are so many social media outlets out there and everyone uses them a little differently. Share about one of your favorites and give your readers tips on how you use it for your blog/business.
Example: Non-Salesy Strategies for Marketing on Instagram
26 | Turn an faq or inquiry into a blog post
Is there a common question that readers ask you by email or in your post comments? Turn it into a blog post! An email from an Elle & Company reader regarding content actually inspired this blog post. If it's something that multiple readers have asked you about, chances are their are more people who would love to know more about it, too.
Example: To Leslie: 3 Reasons Why We Focus More on Site Traffic Than Our Email List
27 | tell an interesting story
We all love a good tale and we all enjoy being entertained. Do you have a "you're not going to believe this" story? Share it on your blog!
28 | write an informative post on how people can work best with you
Are you a calligrapher, photographer, or wedding planner? Share some tips for brides on how to make the process as simple as possible. Are you an interior designer? Share some insights on how clients and designers can maintain a great working relationship. This is helpful for current and future clients and it's also helpful for those in your field who are just getting started.
29 | create and share a free resource
We all love free things. That's why we follow along with blogs in the first place! Find creative ways to share free resources with your audience.
Example: How to Create a Clean and Cohesive Inspiration Board
30 | find a creative way to link up with other bloggers/business owners
There are several ways you can go about this one. The possibilities are endless, so get creative and come up with something distinctly you!
31 | Create a blog series on a project
People love following along with step-by-step transformations (that's why Young House Love was my favorite blog for so many years!). Are you working on a project for a client, remodeling your home, or training for a marathon? Share about it on the blog and show sneak peeks of the transformation as you go.
32 | highlight one of your products or services
This is your blog; use it to your advantage! Come up with creative ways to highlight your business and your products. This could take the shape of a "how-to" post or you could pose them as a solution to a particular problem.
33 | Create an infographic
Not only are graphics and photos more interesting and entertaining, they're sharable. Even if you aren't able to draw one yourself, compile information on a topic in your field and come up with a creative way to display it. I did this with the feedback I received from a reader survey this past summer and the infographic was a hit! Which perfectly transitions into my next idea...
Example: A Step-by-Step Guide for Creating Infographics (and it's an infographic!)
34 | Take a reader survey and come up with a unique way to share the results
Not only is this feedback helpful for you, but readers like to see who else is following along with you.
Example: The Facts About You (Our 2015 Survey Results!)
35 | share your mission statement and blog/business strategy
Write a post on what's at the heart of your blog or business. Why do you do what you do? What motivates you?
Example: One Word Worth Building Your Business Around
36 | define or share your take on your industry
For example, many people use the term "branding" but designers approach that subject differently depending on who you talk to. I wrote a post on branding after I officially launched my design services this past summer to approach the subject in my own terms. Do you have your own take on your field? Share it on your blog!
Example: How to Implement My 2-Week Design Process
37 | find a creative way to share tidbits of your life lately
There are a million and ten ways you could approach this, so come up with something original! Some of my favorite examples include Awkward and Awesome and Clara Conversations.
38 | Create a "through the years" or flashback post
Is there a tradition or event that you participate in year after year? Your readers would probably love to see it on your blog. An example? This post by Justin and Mary on their past Halloween costumes.
39 | give away some secrets of your trade
Many people shy away from sharing the information that has made them successful for fear that it could create competition, but it's had the opposite effect in my experience. Share what you know! If you do what you do well, you'll have nothing to worry about. Readers will love gaining your great insight and information.
Example: 4 Secrets for Exponential Blog Growth
40 | teach people how to make something unique
We all have a DIY board on Pinterest, don't we? There's something in each one of us that loves learning how to make something that we wouldn't have thought to make before.
41 | write about some common misconceptions in your industry
Are there things that people assume about your business or trade that aren't accurate? Address them in a blog post!
Example: 8 Common Misconceptions About Content Marketing
42 | ask your readers for feedback
Do you have a question or dilemma? Let your readers participate by sharing it on the blog. Back in 2015 we asked our blog readers to participate in a reader survey so we could learn more about you!
Example: We Want to Hear From You
43 | share your sources of inspiration
We see this all over the place on blogs, but think of your own creative way to make an inspiration post distinctly your own. I do this on my blog a couple time each month in Today's Top 3.
44 | Solve a problem
Is there a particular issue that keeps coming up in your industry time and again? Provide a solution to it!
Example: The Glaring Issue With Using Social Media for Business
45 | write a post on the best (or worst!) advice you've ever received
This could be both helpful and hilarious for your audience.
46 | highlight the best (or worst) moments since starting your blog/business
Again, this could be both helpful and hilarious for your audience.
47 | Share your recent projects
Blogging is a great marketing tool. Use it to your advantage and highlight your latest work! Not only is it fun for your readers to follow along with, but you never know if potential customers are following along with you. Think of it as free advertising for your portfolio.
Example: 3 New Elle & Company Brands + Websites
48 | Share a testimonial or success story
It could be about your experience with another professional or a clients' experience with you. Word of mouth is the best advertisement.
49 | surprise your readers with something unexpected
Do you have a hidden talent or trait that your readers might not know about? Find a way to highlight it on your blog! I did this in my "That's a Rap" post and although it was totally random, it gave my readers a glimpse of my personality outside of blogging and designing.
50 | create a long list of something specific to your trade/blog/industry/field
Case in point.
Example: 40 Easy, Engaging Video Content Ideas for Your Creative Business
Download the checklist!

I created a free checklist to help you brainstorm and implement these 50 blog post ideas.
That's a wrap! Which ideas are you most excited to try? Do you have any suggestions for no-fluff, content-rich blog posts that I may not have mentioned?