Let's Write Some Letters

Last month I introduced the Be A Blessing Challenge, a monthly act of kindness to bless others. I'm an idealist who loves hearing about ways to help others, but I rarely take time to pencil specific service opportunities in my Daybook and act on them. The mission of Elle & Company is to encourage simplification, but not to simplify so that we can add more to our plate. My hope is that we simplify to glorify, to clear the clutter in our days so that we can serve others and focus less on ourselves.

February's challenge was to love on someone who lives alone and invite them over for dinner. Did you participate? If you did, I would love to hear about it (and I'm sure that other ladies would too!) 

For March, I'm challenging us to take a little time and write an encouraging letter to someone. It could be a letter of support to someone who is going through a trial or a letter of gratitude to someone who helped you recently. Maybe it's a letter of encouragement to a missionary or a soldier overseas. Or if you're feeling generous, it might just be all of the above!

Will you donate a couple hours of your time this month and participate with me? I know God will use this challenge to encourage the hearts of people we write and transform our own hearts in the process. Happy writing, friends!