Weekly Truth

Although I would like to say that I'm always able to declare Psalm 73:28 with the same certainty of the psalmist, I don't always draw near to God in the midst of my day. Seeking Him for refuge isn't always our first inclination, is it?

But for me it is good to be near God

One aspect of wisdom is having discernment and good judgment. Whenever we pursue something or someone we are making a decision, whether it is conscious or subconscious. God is always willing to draw near to us, but are we making the decision to draw near to Him? Not every choice is cut and dry, but drawing near to the Lord will always be a good decision. Those who are wise know what is good for themselves.

I have made the Lord God my refuge

I have never been through a tornado, but I'm aware of what to do in case I'm ever in that situation. I think we've all heard the drill: head for the basement, stay away from the windows, etc. These tips can be summed up in two words: SEEK REFUGE! We trust that our refuge will protect us. Hopefully you see where I'm going with this. Is the Lord your refuge? It's easy to place trust in finances, jobs, and family, but all of the above are subject to change. The Lord is constant. We must daily commit to making the Lord our refuge.

That I may tell of all your works

If your refuge protected you from a tornado, isn't that something you would share? If we are trusting in the Lord as our refuge and source of wisdom, we will want to tell of His great works.

Each Tuesday I design a new iPhone background with a different verse and share it on the blog. Seeing scripture several times throughout my day is always an encouragement to me - it reminds me of truth and helps me memorize new verses. Feel free to download, pin, and share these backgrounds as many times as you would like!