The Results Are In

Last Friday I switched up my normal blog series and asked you to participate in a Coffee Date with me. Elle & Company wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, so it only makes sense that I would want to get your feedback. I took every answer to heart and I had a blast looking at each response. It was a joy getting to know you better!

I thought it would be fun for you to see the answers, too:

Are you surprised by any of the answers? I was thrilled to find out that 71% of those that participated have a blog and 37% have their own business! I also loved reading all of the hidden talents (whoever wrote "dancing to TV show theme songs" would fit right in in our household).

But those aren't the only results. I also hosted a giveaway for a 1-year subscription to the Elle & Company Library last week and helped me a choose a winner. Congratulations Leah Branstetter! I hope you enjoy unlimited access to our growing collection of pretty paper goods.

Thanks again to all of you who participated in the Coffee Date and the giveaway. Happy Tuesday!