Coffee Date with Caroline Logan

When I think of inspirational ladies, Caroline Logan comes to mind. This successful young wedding photographer started her business before she even had her learners' permit, and she just graduated from high school in May. She's a stand-out in the wedding photography industry because of her age, but after getting to know her better, I've started to forget that she is only 18; she's professional, wise beyond her years, and so very talented. Caroline's confidence and hard work have been an encouragement to me and she's one of my favorite creative ladies to follow along with.

So of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to feature her for a Coffee Date. Get to know her better today, leave her some love, and follow along with her - this girl is impressive! 

What's in your coffee mug this morning?

Even though I sure love me a cute little coffee shop, I'm not a big coffee drinker just yet! So it's green tea with a lil bit of honey for me... my favorite! But pass a Starbucks and my car has a way of pulling in and ordering a Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate. Does that count as coffee? ;)

Give us a glimpse into a typical "day in the life" of Caroline.

Oh my! Right now, especially in the midst of wedding season, what my typical "day in the life" looks like changes each day. But no matter what the day holds, it always starts the same... a little Chobani yogurt + granola + fresh fruit morning fuel while I take some quiet time to study my Bible. It's the perfect way to start the morning before diving into a full day of work!

Lately I'm loving mixing my work environment up, whether that's working from my home office, or spending the day working from one of my favorite local coffee shops - it's fun to switch it up and helps me to stay inspired!

If I'm honest, I'd say I'm still working on finding a solid work-life balance as a business owner. While I'm grateful to run a business I genuinely love - some days it's easy to lost track of time and work way too late into the evening. But we're not created just to work, even if it is our passion. There is so much to life beyond that. People matter and it's important to make sure those in my life get the best of my attention, not just the rest of it. This is something I'm continually learning and striving towards!

You photographed your first solo wedding at 14 (that's wild!) How did you get started in the wedding photography industry and what business tips have you found to be helpful?

14 years old... I know! Sometimes I hear that and find it a little wild myself! Who knew what a journey that would start me on. It's been quite the adventure since then as I've continued to pour into building and refining my business and brand over the last four years. I look back to where I was then and it makes my heart smile to think of how many people believed in me, even then!

Someone told me early on that the best business tip they'd ever received was to simply love people. I've read countless business books from incredibly successful entrepreneurs, and yet that single tip remains my favorite of all. Sometimes I think we can get too caught up in business and marketing strategies in hopes that they'll propel our business forward in growth. And while they definitely can and do, loving people well and showing a genuine passion for what you do? Oh man, it's contagious.

One of my favorite verses is 1 Peter 4:10, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." I always find this verse encouraging in times when I'm feeling overwhelmed because it helps me to turn my focus back to what matters and let the rest fall into place. It's a great reminder that this business is so not about me... it's simply a tool for me to love and serve others. And what a gift that is!

You just graduated from high school a couple months ago. What's next?

I absolutely love being a wedding photographer and there is nothing I'd rather spend my days now as a high school graduate doing! I'm not entirely sure of all that may be on the horizon as I continue to build and run this business of mine, but I sure am excited about the places it could lead me! With my graduation in the spring and my nineteenth birthday next week, I've been feeling so, so grateful for this season of life I'm in. It's human nature to continually strive towards bigger and better, especially as a business owner. I think it's great to have big dreams, and yet, I never want to get so caught up in those dreams that I miss the beautiful reality of where God has me right now.

I have a feeling wedding season can be super busy for you. How do you simplify and keep everything running smoothly?

Yes! Wedding season is definitely such a fast-paced, exciting time! I've always been the kind of girl that has a to-do list for her to-do list, so a key to simplifying and keeping everything running smoothly has been implementing systems that work for me and can help me stay organized! I write out my "Action Items" to-do list with the things I'll need to accomplish the following day on a notepad each evening before I shut things down for the night. This system isn't anything over the top, but I've found that the simplicity of starting each day with a fresh list is so key when it comes to keeping everything running smoothly!

Another thing that has been beneficial for me has been investing in organization. Sometimes it's so easy to skimp in this area and tell yourself to skip the cute office supplies aisle at Target... but I promise the prettier your systems are, the more excited you'll be to follow through and keep up with them! Implementation matters more than intention, so spoiling yourself a little bit in setting up a system that works is worth every penny!

What's something you've been loving lately?

Thank-you notes! It may be verging on an obsession - you would laugh if you saw my stash of them! There's something about pretty stationery I can't resist. I love how much power there is in positivity, and with a simple thank-you note we have the opportunity to tell sweet friends they matter. Like really, really matter.  I once heard it said to never suppress a generous thought, and I kind of loved that. Tell people you love 'em. Tell them they've impacted your life. Tell them you've noticed the way they earnestly care about people. Tell them they're making a difference. Don't just suppress it :)

And just for fun, if you could photograph any celebrity wedding, whose would it be and why?

Will and Kate, it's a no-brainer! Can I call dibs on their vow renewal?

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