Weekly Truth

Each week I design a new iPhone background with a different verse and share it on the blog. Seeing Scripture several times throughout my day reminds me of truth, strengthens my faith, and helps me me memorize God's Word so I can accurately share it with others. Feel free to download, pin, and share these backgrounds as many times as you would like!

A new (free!) verse background each week from Elle & Company

"Dearly beloved, I urge you" 

I love how Peter addresses the Gentiles he's writing to. Beloved. He's urging Christians to keep themselves from the things that are hurtful to them because he loves them. He cares for them and he wants their good.

"as sojourners and exiles"

I highlighted these words in this week's background because this truth is so important: This world is not our home. The more I reflect on these words, the better picture I see of a traveler passing through. As a sojourners on this earth, our efforts shouldn't be to acquire permanent possessions here, as if we're remaining here, but we should be steadily preparing for our final destination.

I love how one commentator wrote, "A traveler takes along as few things as possible; a staff is often all that a pilgrim has. We make the most rapid progress in our journey to our final home when we are least encumbered with the things of this world."

"to abstain from the passions of the flesh"

In order to have an impact on this world that we're simply passing through, we must keep ourselves from the lust, lies, slander, deceit, hate, and jealousy that we're so often drawn to (Galatians 5:19-21). These "passions of the flesh" are personified as if they were an army of rebels or enemies that are constantly seeking to destroy our joy, peace, and usefulness. They're harmful and destructive, and although they may seem satisfying in the moment, they're never beneficial. 

My prayer is that this verse would remind us of our citizenship in heaven and help us guard our hearts from those harmful desires that seek to destroy us. I hope that your heart is encouraged by the One who lived a perfect life in the midst of this foreign, hostile world. 

And for those of you who would rather have a little reminder on your computer monitor, your mirror, or your fridge, I've added some verse cards to the Elle & Company Library this week:

I'll continue to add them each week as I post new Weekly Truth backgrounds. As with all of the other design files in the Library, print them as many times as you like and share them with friends. Click here to log in or click here to subscribe to the Library today!