Monday's Letters

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Dear Mr. Hooker, yesterday our new church visited a nursing home to sing hymns and visit with the residents. A couple ladies told us that we looked much too young to be married, and you almost fooled them into thinking you are 35. Oh, how I love your charming sense of humor. 

Dear unlimited Starbucks coffee tumbler, you've provided "free" coffee throughout the month of January and you've been a great help in learning our way around town. If people give us directions in terms of Starbucks locations, we'll never get lost again! I will be so sad when January is over. 

Dear Amber Shannon, today is your lucky day! A Daybook Planner with all the bells and whistles will be coming your way this week. Be sure to check your email for more details. Congratulations and happy simplifying! 

Dear Jake, the oh-so-cute black lab puppy that wanders into our Suite may belong to our hosts, but I would claim her in a heartbeat! Do you think they would notice if she disappeared for a couple hours each day?

Happy Monday, sweet friends! Thank you so much for all of your excitement about the new business - it means more than you know. A handful of new blog series start this week, so be sure to come back and visit!