Today's Top 3 - Artists, Graphic Designers, and Interior Designers

Today's Top 3 is full of all kinds of lovely inspiration! I've rounded up some of my favorite artists, graphic designers, and interior designers, and all of these ladies have a style that is distinctly their own. Prepare to be inspired!

Top 3 artists I follow along with

  • Emily Jeffords - Emily is an oil painter whose colorful landscapes are seen all over the place. I love her simple, impressionist style and the mix of color she adds to each canvas. I can't wait to hang one of her prints on my gallery wall for the Home Suite Home project!
  • Jessica Jane Handmade - I always enjoy following along with people who have a distinct, unique style and break the mold. Jessica is one of those. She makes whimsical clay objects, from houses and "villages" to Christmas ornaments. Her illustrative style makes her so fun to keep up with. 
  • Lauren Bradshaw - Maybe I'm just a kid at heart, but I can't get over how adorableness of everything that is Walnut Animal Society. Lauren makes the most precious stuffed animals (with super cute names like Ruthie, Henry, Eleanor, Chester, and Magnolia) and designs sweet outfits to go along with them. It's like the stuffed animal version of American Girl dolls. I know I sound like I'm 5, but I love Lauren's style and creativity. If you have a little one that you're buying for this Christmas, you need to check these out!

Top 3 graphic designers I follow along with

  • Breanna Rose - I've mentioned Breanna on here a couple times already, but I'm a fan of her simple, common sense aesthetic. It's very modern and gender neutral, which isn't quite like my design style, and I think that's what draws me to her work. I love keeping up with her most recent work. 
  • Megan Gonzalez - It isn't very often that I would consider giving up this blessing of working for myself to go work for another design company, but Mae Mae Paperie would be my one and only exception. Megan's work is that stunning! I love following along with her work and creativity.
  • Jennet Liaw - I don't know exactly how I stumbled upon Jennet's Instagram feed, but I'm so glad I did! Her modern typography is gorgeous. If you're ever in need of some creative inspiration, you should follow along with her.

Top 3 interior designers I follow along with

  • Kristin Jackson - The Hunted Interior has been one of my favorite interior design blogs for a few years. Kristin has an eye for pairing and layering different design styles in a space, and I adore her eclectic style.
  • Michaela Noelle - Okay, so this is pretty much a given. Michaela has been helping us redesign our Suite for the past few months, but I started following along with her blog long before our friendship. I love Michaela's classic, feminine style and her eye for all things lovely. 
  • Claire Brody - I had the priviledge of meeting sweet Claire at the Bloom Workshop a month ago and I'm calling it right now - she's going to do big things! I love her cheerful mix of colors and patterns. 

It's your turn! Who are your top 3 favorite artists, graphic designers, and interior designers?