Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. Hooker, I've always cringed when people utter the M-word around me. After 4 years of undergrad I swore that it would be at least 10 years before I would even consider going back to grad school. Tomorrow I will eat my words and begin taking classes part-time for a Masters in Biblical Counseling. I'll be honest... I couldn't be more excited/nervous! Here's to the next 3 years of seminary together. 

Dear running shoes, you've been on sabbatical for about a year now. Something came over me on Saturday and I decided to take you out for a little jog around the neighborhood. You may have noticed that my pace isn't as fast and my breathing isn't as quiet, but instead of getting discouraged I'm going to celebrate each step and passed mailbox. You have to start somewhere, right? Here's to rekindling our long-lost relationship. 

Dear new seminary friends, bet you never expected to go to seminary with a couple Hookers, did you? (Sorry... couldn't resist ;) Thank you for inviting us over on Saturday night and making us feel welcome right away. We're excited for classes and more game nights with all of you!

Dear Jakester, the sound of my Epson printer has been never-ending since Launch Day. Our dinner table has been overtaken with Daybook pages, ribbon, and cellophane bags and we've lost count of how many trips we've made to Staples and the post office. Not only do you disregard the chaos; you continue to get excited with me over each new order. You're the best roommate this girl could ask for. 

Happy Monday, friends!