Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. Hooker, ever since I caught you singing the wrong words to Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal, you've been trying to catch me in a lyrical mix-up. Sorry babe, but nothing will be funnier than, "Daddy are you okay? You okay? You okay Daddy?" 

Dear Jenny, my heart is so full after spending the weekend with you in Charlotte. Nothing is quite like in-person coffee shop dates, trips to IKEA, and morning walks/talks with your best friend. Thank you for being our very first visitor at the Suite - I treasured every sweet moment.

Dear Tuesday, I'm terrible at keeping secrets; this uncontainable excitement just wells up inside of me and I get antsy. Thankfully you'll be here in less than 24 hours, because any longer and I just might give my surprise away.

Dear Jakester, I don't think you've ever met a stranger. Whether it's trying to talk our waitress into free food or sharing the Gospel with kiosk workers at the mall, your friendliness has this great way of making people smile. Although I roll my eyes or blush from time to time, I really do love your winsome personality. I say it all the time and I'll say it again - life is never boring with you!

Happy Monday, friends!