What would happen if we all slowed down enough to push pause and treasure those simple moments? What if we became more intentional in searching for the special in each day? I’m certain that we would have more joy and contentment, and I know that it would cultivate a thankful heart in each and every one of us.
I want to encourage you to join me as I attempt to put this into practice.
Let’s take note of one special moment each day and post it to Instagram. We can keep up with each other by using the hashtag #sweetspots, because aren’t moments of thankfulness sweet? Once a week I’ll post my favorites on the blog and who knows? One of your #sweetspots might make an appearance and lend encouragement to someone else.
Whether it’s creamer swirls in our coffee or a surprise in the mail from a friend, there are always #SweetSpots in each day that we can be thankful for – we just have to slow down enough to pay attention.
@laurenelizhook It was well worth a few hours in the car to surprise my family for Mom's birthday! #sweetspots
@ame710 Even though he's growing up way too fast, he's still my baby boy. #sweetspots
@laurenelizhook Thankful for a 70 degree day in the middle of winter and some outdoor quiet time in between classes. #sweetspots
@lepascoe Putting the to-do list on hold and slowing down today to just snuggle my sick little one #sweespots
@jenntreadway So thankful for sunshine and snow! #sweetspots
@laurenelizhook Rainy days call for pretty flowers #sweetspots
@almonty1 Jesus, coffee, and Friends... what I need after a long morning in studio. #sweetspots
@jennykayc Bags are packed because today I get to see @laurenelizhook! #marywantstocome #sweetspots