Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. Hooker, readers sometimes ask me why you get two letters each week. You're just that special, my dear. Plus you provide so much entertainment during the week that I couldn't possibly hit the high points in just one letter. These letters will be so fun to look back on someday.

Dear Charlotte, my list of things that I love about you got a little longer this week. Thanks to a conference in the city and an early morning flight out of the airport, we had not just one but TWO visitors this week, and my heart is full. This whole moving-to-North-Carolina thing just keeps getting better and better. 

Dear Dana Tanamachi, thanks to your video, I want to cancel all of the plans I made today and spend some quality time with my sketchbook. I've also decided that as soon as Jake and I buy a house, I'm taking over one of my office walls with gold Sharpie. Inspiration like this makes my gears turn and my heart dance. 

Dear Jake, I was a grouch on Saturday afternoon, but you knew just the thing to turn my frown upside down: a 2-hour heart-to-heart over Caribou coffee and a drive around the city. Thank you for bearing with me and loving me even when my heart is ugly and my mood is foul. I'm so very blessed to have you.

Happy Monday, friends! Some fun things are happening around here this week, including our April Newsletter, a new Be A Blessing Challenge, and a Spring Cleaning Sale (to name a few). 

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And did you participate in last month's Be A Blessing Challenge? I want to hear about it (and I'm sure other Elle & Co. readers do too!) Follow the comment link above this post and leave me a note!