Monday's Letters


Dear Mr. Hooker, we spent the weekend riding bikes on the greenway, prepping our cute little garden, washing cars, and snacking on freeze pops. Summer is right around the corner, my dear, and I can't wait to spend it with you!

Dear Harris Teeter produce department, you have officially been trumped by the cute little produce stand down the street. Four ears of corn, a huge carton of strawberries, two bell peppers, and a bag full of red potatoes for a grand total of $8? That just can't be "beet" (couldn't help myself).

Dear MacBook, I was sitting in class with you on Thursday diligently taking notes when you randomly went into a coma. You missed out on several big plans that I had for you that day: a class assignment, a blog post, several emails, some design work. No more sick days, my friend - my grades and my sanity can't handle it. 

Dear Jake, the best part of waking up isn't the Folgers in my cup; it's the handsome man who brews it for me every morning. It might be because you've mastered the creamer to coffee ratio or because you have it ready right as I'm getting out of bed, but coffee always tastes better when you make it for me. Regardless, I'm spoiled rotten.