@picatoria I love Spring Training. We had Green Monster seats for the last game of the year. #latergram #redsox #sweetspots
@taylorsschumann My flesh and my strength may fail, but GOD is the strength of my heart. #sweetspots
@kaitblanken Today I brought my students "brownies". The look on their faces was priceless. They think I am a hilarious genius now. (I have them real ones too) #browniepoints #sweetspots #literally #pinterestfind
@laurenelizhook Morning commutes with this guy are never dull. This morning he serenaded me with the most ridiculous version of Whitney Houston's "How Will I Know" while I used the visor mirror to put on my makeup. So much for putting on mascara - I laughed until I cried. #sweetspots
@jenntreadway It is finally starting to feel like spring! #sweetspots
@mariellyzoe So happy that my flowers are still looking pretty after an entire week! They've been brightening my days all week! #sweetspots
@laurenelizhook Winding down after a busy week. I can't remember the last time I sat down with my sketchbook and just drew with no agenda. This needs to happen more often. #sweetspots
@andreapescephoto Last week was amazing but I'm so glad to be home with these two! Some big and exciting things are ahead and I am reminded just how incredibly blessed we are. People make our lives rich, love makes our hearts full, not things or completed to do lists. Today is a catchup and recover from traveling kind of day so I need this reminder :) #sweetspots
@jennykayc Happy birthday to my spunky, fun and beautiful niece. You make everything life-filled! We love you and we love watching you grow. #reeseis3 #sweetspots
@sjpeters Spontaneous three mile walk on the Huck in between classes with @bwynfoley because it was just too gorgeous today not to #sweetspots
Thanks again for following along in this year-round thankfulness movement. Happy Thursday, friends!