Weekly Truth

The summer before my junior year at Tech, I participated in a summer small group with the sweetest group of ladies. We read through Galatians and the focused on the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. I remember that study so well, probably because that summer had such a tremendous impact on my heart.

But as much time as we spent in that study, I often find myself trying to display the fruit on my own, apart from the Spirit. And time and time again, I realize that I am completely incapable. There is no good in me; the only light that shines through me originates in Him. So this week, I'm reflecting on this verse as a reminder that if I walk with Him, everything else will follow.


CLICK HERE to download this week's verse for your iPhone background.

Happy Tuesday, friends!

Note: Since tilting your iPhone re-adjusts the background, iOS7 automatically zooms in on background images. The text may seem small on the downloaded image, but once you set it as your background it will size correctly.