Coffee Date with Meghan Newman

Our first week in Charlotte, we showed up at the front door of a stranger's house with caramel apple dip and a bowl full of puppy chow. Not to worry - we had been invited. A few couples from our seminary were hanging out and they were nice enough to let us tag along (they must not have known what they were getting themselves into!) We felt welcomed right away when a pretty redhead and her two sweet dogs greeted as the door and invited us in.

We must not have scared them away too much, because 4 months later Meghan and her husband, Andrew, are still hanging out with us. And we're thankful, because they're so much fun to be around. I especially love Meghan's sense of humor, her style, her baking (goodness gracious, this girl needs her own restaurant), and her laugh. I'm excited that she's joining us this morning for a Coffee Date!

What's in your coffee mug this morning?

Not a coffee drinker, sadly. I so desperately want to be one, but I just hate the taste. Since it is warm out, I will be drinking an unsweetened flavored ice tea. Or just a glass of water, very boring. Right now I really love this raspberry and lime green tea.

What was the first thing you did this morning?

Friday mornings my husband, Andrew, and I usually take our dogs for a walk, then I like to make a fun breakfast. I am on a pancake/waffle kick, so perhaps I will make some kale waffles... sounds weird, but they are actually awesome! After/during breakfast we read the Bible together.

Tell us about something you've been loving lately.

These cups from Williams Sonoma! They are so incredible because they have a top and I can transport my smoothies or juices in style. Every weekday morning, aside from Fridays, I make a smoothie or green juice. These cups are the answer to transporting my drinks. I also love any sort of Thai food - I want to eat it all the time.

What is something you struggle with and what are you learning as a result?

Hmmm, I struggle with too many things! I certainly struggle with control and over-working myself. Work is very important to me and I put a great deal of my worth in it. I tend to worry about my performance to the point where it becomes an idol. How I deal? The biggest thing I have done is to leave work at the office. I aim to get the most work done while at the office, so when I leave I can just go home and relax. This is much easier said than done. I recently made a career change which also made this difficult. I also love to take our dogs, Boone and Cash, on a walk. It gives me a purpose for being outside and I get to just enjoy nature and relax.

Life can be busy and stressful. How do you simplify?

Food. Sadly, the idea of food is most commonly my answer to all questions. I try to plan ahead when it comes to meals for the week so that I know what I am making, and it simplifies my time. Andrew and I really have to schedule our time because we have two dogs. Although people can feel restrained in a schedule, I feel free! I like to schedule downtime where I know there is nothing on the agenda and I can truly relax. Being too busy is another struggle of mine, which makes relaxing a very difficult task. However, I try to schedule an hour or so where I have no plans. This forces me to sit down for bit and just chill. 

And just for fun, what is something that made you smile this week?

On a superficial level, this dress that I just bought. On a real level, my co-workers make me smile. They are just so funny. I truly laugh all day - I can't handle it sometimes. Picking fruit is also one of my favorite things. I have been so happy all week because I'm picking strawberries on Saturday!

Want to see the latest things that Meghan's whipping up in her kitchen? Follow along with her blog, The Former Baker. You can also follow along with her on Instagram and Twitter!

And for those of you following Elle & Company on Instagram and Facebook, the answer to Meghan's Two Truths and a Lie is #3.

From Meghan: "Not true, this happened to a friend of mine. So jealous!"