Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. Hooker, your wallet was tucked safely in your pocket when we went to pick up pizza on Saturday afternoon, but it was nowhere to be found when we arrived back at the Suite. After a few hours of searching and a mild panic attack, we started to give up all hope of finding it... until a big red firetruck and three men in uniform appeared outside our door with a brown leather wallet in hand. Thank the Lord for observant Good Samaritans who like to eat lunch at Papa John's, too. 

Dear Hurricane Arthur, you had us a little worried when you showed up unexpectedly to our beach house on Thursday afternoon. Since you weren't a big fan of sunshine, we decided to spend the day indoors with a movie, a couple rounds of poker, and even a Jazzercise dance party (guys included!) You packed up while we were still asleep on Friday morning and left behind no evidence of your stay. Nice knowing you, pal!

Dear Kevin DeYoung, I was oh so happy to see your book Crazy Busy on my seat at the Gospel Coalition Women's Conference. I couldn't put it down on vacation last week - it was just what this crazy busy girl needed to read. Thank you for all of the tips and godly wisdom on how to simplify and focus on what matters most.

Dear Jake, my heart is so full after a week with some of our closest friends. I'm smiling just thinking about all 7 of us drinking coffee on the front porch each morning, sharing stories and cracking jokes. I soaked up our walks on the beach and late night games of poker and Things. And the girls and I especially loved beating you guys in a second round of putt-putt. I sure do hope this is the beginning of a tradition.

Each Monday I write four letters: two letters to my husband and two random letters to whatever else is on my heart each week. What originally started as a fun way to record events and funny stories pleasantly developed into a weekly habit of practicing thankfulness. To see past letters, click here.