Monday's Letters

Dear Mr. Hooker, we've been told by a few kind people that we remind them of Chip and Joanna Gaines, so we decided to watch an episode of Fixer Upper. One episode turned into two, two turned into three, and three turned into eight. I don't know if it's the thought of renovating a house or the fact that our sense of humor is similar to theirs (or both), but I do know that we're hooked. 

Dear Molly and Brynn, your parents are vacationing in Charleston for the next two weeks, so they entrusted you into the care of your two favorite people (aka Jake and I). Here's to stuffing you full of dog treats, spoiling you with belly rubs, playing long games of fetch, and not having accidents on the hardwood floors. 

Dear Crystal, thanks so much for allowing me to design stickers, notecards, and fabric patterns for Little Bit Funky. Not only are your "hohos" adorable, but the purpose behind each one is precious. "A hoho is a creation especially made by me, for you. It's a quirky, purposefully wonky little creature that is here to remind you that YOU ARE LOVELY and you don't have to be perfect to be lovable." Designing for you was a joy! 

Dear Jake, you were so sweet to wake up early this morning and let the dogs out, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you helped them onto our bed while I was still asleep. Puppy facials aren't my favorite way to wake up, but the sound of your laughter is high on my list of favorite things. Just keep in mind that I know where you sleep, too...

Past Letters

Each Monday I write four letters: two letters to my husband and two random letters to whatever else is on my heart each week. What originally started as a fun way to record events and funny stories pleasantly developed into a weekly habit of practicing thankfulness.