July 2017

How to Balance a Full-Time Job and a Part-Time Freelance Business

How to Balance a Full-Time Job and a Part-Time Freelance Business

Starting a “side-hustle” has grown in popularity over the past few years, and it’s easy to understand why. 

Maintaining a full-time job while pursuing a passion project on the side offers the best of both worlds: a steady paycheck and benefits along with the opportunity to make a little extra money doing something you love.

And while there’s a lot to gain when starting a side-hustle, there’s also a lot of sacrifice.

Here at Elle & Company, we know a thing or two about balancing a full-time job and a “side hustle.”

I worked a few different 9-5 jobs while I worked to get my business up and running, and both of my assistants currently work full-time jobs while helping me with Elle & Company part-time.

All three of us understand the time and energy that goes into balancing a full-time job and a part-time passion project. 

So we rounded up some practical ways that we’ve been able to keep our heads above water and maintain our sanity in the process. 

The Complete Guide to Launching a Successful Blog

The Complete Guide to Launching a Successful Blog

People are always shocked to learn the reason Elle & Company grew exponentially in my first year of business.

It wasn’t through Instagram (although social media is a fantastic marketing tool).

It wasn’t through networking with the right people (although word of mouth and recommendations from trusted sources is helpful).

And it definitely wasn’t through some sort of big break (although that would have definitely been nice).

It was through blogging.

If I Were Starting My Business from Scratch, This Would Be My Game Plan

If I Were Starting My Business from Scratch, This Would Be My Game Plan

So you want to start a business.
You have a ton of motivation and excitement at first, but all of a sudden reality sets in. 
There are so many tasks involved, the majority of which you’ve never tackled before. You’re way out of your comfort zone, overwhelmed by all the things that need to get done. 
Where do you even begin?
When you’re first starting out, it can be difficult to see the forest through the trees.
When I first started Elle & Company, I found myself piecing together all that I thought needed to get done (forgetting a bunch of steps along the way). 
I longed for a step-by-step list of what to conquer and when.
Now, three and a half years into running my online business, I’ve had time to reflect on what worked and what I could’ve done differently to save time (and stress).
So I’m paying it forward. I’ve created a step-by-step list of what to focus on when you’re trying to get your business off the ground.
If I were to go back and start Elle & Company from scratch, here’s what my game plan would look like.