
Tracking Your Work Week with Toggl

Tracking Your Work Week with Toggl

Do you know exactly how many hours you’re spending on business tasks throughout your workweek?

Guesswork doesn’t count. Do you have the actual data?

For the first two and a half years of my business, I didn’t. I made a habit of loosely managing my time and jumping around from task to task. 

But if you had asked me, I would have told you that I was spending the right amount of time on each area of my business. I truly thought I had a good handle on my time...

...until I conducted a time audit last fall. 

Using Toggl, I tracked the amount of time I was spending on emails, blog posts, client work, etc. and man, were my guesses way off. 

It was eye-opening to see how much time I was spending on emails and menial tasks instead of making headway on client work and other big projects. 

No wonder I wasn’t making quicker progress toward my goals! I was spending too much time on the wrong things.

Time tracking with Toggl has allowed me to take an objective look at my work week and spend more time on my most important business tasks.

This topic keeps coming up in conversation and I mentioned Toggl several times in last week’s Ellechat. 

So I’m taking you behind my screen in this blog post to highlight the benefits of time tracking and show you exactly how to use Toggl for your business.