
5 Ways Content Marketing Will Enhance Your Blog

5 Ways Content Marketing Will Enhance Your Blog

If you've been following along with Elle & Company for the past 5 months, you've probably noticed a shift in my blog.

It happened when my husband, Jake, came alongside me in my business this past summer. Since then, he's spent hours on weeknights helping me brainstorm new content, he checks business blogs and articles like most people check Instagram and he's become my biggest supporter. While my name and photo is on the "about" page on this site, you can guarantee that Jake is behind the scenes helping me and reading every post before I hit "publish." 

Jake is awesome when it comes to marketing and strategizing for my business. So today he's taking the keypad and sharing about one of his favorite topics: content marketing. I might be a little biased, but he knocked this one out of the park! I hope his perspective pushes you to bump up your content and helps you grow your business, just like it has mine. 

3 Reasons Why Eye-Catching Blog Images Matter (And My Secrets for Creating Them!)

3 Reasons Why Eye-Catching Blog Images Matter (And My Secrets for Creating Them!)

Creating one-of-a-kind blog images. It's a topic that I'm most frequently asked about and it's an area that many bloggers struggle with. So today I'm approaching the subject with a few reasons why well-designed blog images are important. And I'm not stopping there - I'm also sharing a few of my own secrets for creating attractive blog images, too. 

4 Tips for Finding Your Blogging Niche

4 Tips for Finding Your Blogging Niche

Last summer I wrote one of my most popular blog series, How to Start a Blog. I shared tips for those who are new to the blogging scene about common topics that every new blogger deals with: creating a loyal audience, finding your niche, choosing a name, growing readership, and creating quality content. It was a fun series to write and it continues to be a favorite among Elle & Company readers. But since writing those posts 3 months ago, my readership has more than tripled (and I would like to think that it's due to implementing all of that advice that I shared!). The way I blog has evolved and I've learned new tips and strategies for creating content, marketing my blog, and growing Elle & Company readership. 

4 Productive Insights on Competition and Comparison

4 Productive Insights on Competition and Comparison

My husband reads like most people check Instagram. He often comes across helpful reads and sends them my way, and the majority of them have given me great tips and insight on running my business. One article in particular has changed the way I approach a common obstacle in the day-to-day operations of business and blogging: handling competition.