
How to Blog When You Hate to Write

How to Blog When You Hate to Write

Confession: Up until a few months ago, I was very self-conscious about my writing style. I would open each new post document with hesitation; I dreaded getting my words on paper/screen in an organized, easy-to-read fashion. I have a feeling many of you who are bloggers feel the same way. You recognize the importance of blogging for your business or for income and you have great content to share, but you struggle getting your words out clearly. So today I'm sharing my secrets for blogging when you hate to write (and if you make it all the way to the end, you'll find out why I became more confident in my own writing style). 

8 Things Your Blog's Analytics Are Trying to Tell You

8 Things Your Blog's Analytics Are Trying to Tell You

If you want to gauge the 'health' and success of your blog, take a look at your analytics. Your analytics help you dig deeper and figure out exactly what's happening on your blog - how many people are visiting, how long they're staying on the page, which pages they click on, etc. There is a lot of information that can be gained from studying your analytics. Jake has been very interested in not only checking the analytics, but trying to read into them to determine what they mean for this site. 

So today, Jake is offering some suggestions about where to start looking when your analytics are indicating less-than-ideal results. While these analytics issues may not be a direct result from the problems he's suggested, we hope that this will give you a starting point as you look to improve your blog and earn more traffic.

How to Build a Loyal Blog Audience

How to Build a Loyal Blog Audience

My husband, Jake, has always been stumped as to how Jimmy Buffet has such a loyal following. Even Jimmy will admit that he doesn't have the greatest voice in the world, and yet his fans have their own special name - 'Parrotheads' (and 'parakeets' for those younger Buffet fans). How in the world does this happen and what does this have to do with blogging? Jimmy Buffet and the best bloggers both realize that gaining a loyal audience is all about creating an experience. 

So how can you create an experience for your readers? What are some tips that you can implement that will create excitement and keep your audience coming back time and time again? Here are 4 tips that will help you gain your own faithful blog 'parrotheads.'

My Simple Method for Coming Up With Original Content

My Simple Method for Coming Up With Original Content

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a rut, at a loss for how to create original ideas for your blog and business? You're not alone. For the first 6 months of Elle & Company, I had the hardest time staying inspired and coming up with concepts that were original and one-of-a-kind. But last summer I started a practice that pulled me out of that rut: setting aside time to consistently brainstorm.

If you've been following along with Elle & Company for the past few months, you've probably noticed that I'm a big fan of brainstorming. It's a practice that's had the largest impact on the growth and success of my blog and business, it's where I draw inspiration, and it helps me come up with original ideas and content. I'm a firm believer that brainstorming has enormous benefits for every blogger and entrepreneur, but sometimes it's hard to know how to get the ball rolling. Here are 4 tips for making the most out of your brainstorming sessions. 

What Every Blogger Ought to Know About Bloglovin'

What Every Blogger Ought to Know About Bloglovin'

Say hello to my little friend, Bloglovin'. This blogging tool has been a key factor in the growth of Elle & Company readership, especially this past month when one of my posts gained popularity on the platform and almost doubled my page views... overnight. If you're a blogger and you haven't taken the time to understand and utilize Bloglovin', you're missing out on a great free marketing tool and a crazy number of new readers. So what's so great about this site and how can you take advantage of this social tool? Keep reading.