
Transitioning Your Blog to Grow Your Business

Transitioning Your Blog to Grow Your Business

When I first started Elle & Company, I didn't realize the great opportunities that were available to me through blogging for my business. I saw my blog as an outlet and a way for others to get to know me on a personal level, and I integrated recent design projects in with funny stories and recipes. I didn't see anything wrong with that approach because I hadn't seen others in my industry approach it differently. 

It wasn't until this past summer that I began to recognize how much potential my blog had for growing my business. I slowly began to transition my blog from a catch-all to a blogging, business, and design resource, and I attribute my business growth to that change in perspective. Today, in an effort to help you transform your business through blogging, I'm sharing the steps I took to make that transition.

Get with the Facts: How Google May Turn Your Blog's SEO Upside Down

Get with the Facts: How Google May Turn Your Blog's SEO Upside Down

Recently it came to light that Google is reconsidering how they rank websites. According to an article by New Scientist, Google is researching the possibility of changing what they will look for when ranking websites. Rather than basing a website's ranking off of the number of quality inbound links, Google will possibly base search rankings off of facts. Read the article here and the proposal here. 

This article has gotten a lot of attention primarily because of its political implications. Many seem to think that this is one step towards censorship because Google would be the determining party for what is factual and favor that information in search rankings. Regardless of your political leanings, this also has implications for blogging. How could this impact you? Keep reading.

50 Motivating Quotes for Business and Blogging

50 Motivating Quotes for Business and Blogging

I believe that we can all benefit from those who have gone before us and have more experience in our industry. I also believe that everyone loves a good quote. So today I'm rounding up some of my favorite quotes on business and blogging from the some of the best to help you stay motivated as you round out your busy workweek.

One Creative Way to Foster Community Around Your Blog

One Creative Way to Foster Community Around Your Blog

Engagement is the key to a successful blog. It comes about in many ways - comments, shares, purchases, bookings - but it's something that every blogger strives for; we all want to initiate a response in our readers. While building engagement looks different for each blogger and largely depends on your ideal audience, I recently stumbled upon an unexpected way to foster community around Elle & Company: hosting a Twitter chat. 

What is a Twitter chat, how does it work, and why should you host one? I'm giving you all the details in today's post.

What I Learned from Gaining 3,000 Instagram Followers in One Day

What I Learned from Gaining 3,000 Instagram Followers in One Day

A couple months ago I partnered with some business ladies in similar industries for an Instagram loop giveaway. The goal of the partnership was to pool our followers and have them follow along with all of our accounts in order to enter for a chance to win $500 to J.Crew. An increase in followers on any social media platform give you a greater opportunity to increase sales and attract new clients, so the $170 investment was well worth it on my end; I knew that if I was able to gain one new client because of the giveaway, I would gain a great return on my investment.

I think it's always good to step back and evaluate decisions you make in blogging and business so that you can learn from them and become even more intentional in the future, so today I'm giving you an inside look at the experience. I'm sharing my honest thoughts about it all so that you might be encouraged to step outside the box when it comes to expanding your reach. I also hope that you walk away with a more intentional mindset on why you're doing what you're doing instead of just following along with the trends.