
8 Common Misconceptions About Content Marketing

8 Common Misconceptions About Content Marketing

Content marketing is a term that's thrown around often in business circles, but I've realized that there are many misconceptions on the topic. "Is content marketing the same thing as blogging?" "Content marketing sounds really complicated." "Content marketing might work for your business, but it doesn't make sense for mine." Today I'm clearing up some common misunderstandings on this one subject that's had the greatest positive impact on my business.  

10 Ways to Make Your Blog Content Stronger

10 Ways to Make Your Blog Content Stronger

Are you trying to grow your blog audience? This seems to be a topic on most bloggers' minds, especially those who are blogging for profit or for business. I've learned that the quickest way to grow your blog audience is by sharing strong content, but I've also learned that coming up with strong content is easier said than done. I'm here to help make things easier on you today with 10 ways that are guaranteed to make your content stronger and in turn, expand your blog's reach.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Stock Images

How to Get the Most Out of Your Stock Images

Stock images are becoming increasingly popular, especially among business owners and bloggers who are just getting started in their industry. And while I'm not a large fan of general stock images that anyone and everyone can purchase (they hurt brand recognizability and distinction), I understand the need to have professional product and website images. If you don't trust your own photography abilities, I usually recommend working with a photographer for custom stock images that match your brand and can't be found anywhere else. But even then, those pretty aerial desk shots need to be edited and added to every now and then. So how can you make the most out of your stock images? I'm excited to show you in today's post. 

How to Come Up With 60 Original Blog Post Ideas in 30 Minutes

How to Come Up With 60 Original Blog Post Ideas in 30 Minutes

Are you feeling uninspired about your blog content? Maybe you've been blogging for years and feel a little burned out, or maybe you're new to blogging and struggle to come up with posts that will attract your ideal readers. 

One of my most frequently asked questions regarding the Elle & Company blog is how I come up with relevant content for readers on a consistent basis. And my answer is simple: brainstorm sessions with Jake. After months of partnering together to come up with solid blog post ideas, we've gotten our method down to a science. Jake asks me a list of questions, I scribble down answers in my sketchbook as fast as I can, and within 30 minutes I've come up with at least a couple months' worth of high quality content. 

How to Deal With Trolls, Haters and Copycats

How to Deal With Trolls, Haters and Copycats

If you're a successful blogger or business owner, you're bound to come across negative Nancies. Their hateful feedback and hurtful comments probably stem from jealousy and insecurity, but often times it's hard not to their words personally. So how do you respond to these trolls, haters, and copycats? Today's infographic should help.