
My Secret for Rapidly Growing My Business

My Secret for Rapidly Growing My Business

When I first started Elle & Company over a year ago, I faced many of the common struggles that most creative entrepreneurs face at the outset of their business: growing an audience, developing a loyal following, making the leap to full-time, and gaining credibility in my industry. And now, over a year later, I receive inquiries each week from new business owners and freelancers asking me how I jumped those hurdles. My answer isn't complicated, but it seems that it's never quite the answer that the inquirer expects (and hopes) to hear. I'm usually asked for other answers, because surely blogging can't be my only answer to all of the above. 

But it is. This blog has had the quickest and greatest impact on Elle & Company. It's allowed me to appeal to my target audience, spread the word about my business, build trust with my followers, book clients, and make sales. I attribute the majority of any success I've had with this business to this space that updates once every weekday. 

Our Journey to 100,000 Unique Blog Visitors

Our Journey to 100,000 Unique Blog Visitors

I'm letting you in on a big goal of ours in today's post. Last week I shared the story of Elle & Company and how I got this business off the ground. I filled you in on our journey up until this point, but today I'm letting you in on our biggest goal for Elle & Company this year...

There's also an announcement at the bottom of this post for the next Adobe Illustrator e-course. Don't miss it!

How to Get First-Time Visitors Hooked On Your Blog

How to Get First-Time Visitors Hooked On Your Blog

"Can I just say, I'm not sure how I found your blog but I have been binging on posts every evening for a week solid! I think I'm in love. Following you on all social media and signed up for your newsletter! Just love every single post I've read and I've read like 20+ so far, ha!"

"I am so so glad I found your website, I have been stalking you for the past few hours."

"Great post and lovely blog. Just found out about you (through an Instagram suggestion). Already love your blog, congratulations!"

We all strive for blog comments like these; there's nothing better for business than to make a great first impression on a first-time visitor and potential client. And while we all know why it's important to hook a visitor from the start, the struggle comes with the "how." Today I'm sharing a few things that can turn a first-time blog visitor into a loyal follower.

How to Set Up Blog Archives in Squarespace

How to Set Up Blog Archives in Squarespace

Archive pages are a great way to categorize and round up your past blog posts. They make it easier for new visitors to take a look through your previous content, and they allow regular readers to quickly find and refer back to posts that they've read in the past. The more that stay on your site and look through your previous posts, the more likely that they will get to know you, like you, and follow along with you. 

On Tuesday I blogged about 9 Ways to Make the Most Out of Old Blog Content, and I put an emphasis on the importance of a well-designed blog archive. Since then, I've been surprised by the number of readers who have asked me how to set up an archive page in Squarespace. Today I thought it would be beneficial to walk you through 3 different ways to showcase your archives using Squarespace blocks. 

9 Ways to Get the Most Out of Old Blog Content

9 Ways to Get the Most Out of Old Blog Content

It can be pretty depressing to spend countless hours on a blog post, only to have it buried underneath new content a couple weeks later. It’s a shame to see all of that thought, effort, and value go unnoticed, so today I have 9 solutions for you to help you make the most out of your older, high-quality blog posts (and increase page views and site traffic while you’re at it!).