
How to Make the Best Use of Segments and Tags in ConvertKit

How to Make the Best Use of Segments and Tags in ConvertKit

Last week I shared about my seemingly crazy experiment of deleting 7,000 subscribers from my list.

Long story short, it’s good to clean out your list every so often to make sure your emails are landing in the inboxes of people who want to receive them. 

But once your list is “clean,” it’s time to take the proper measures to make sure your list is effective.

Email segmentation can be the primary difference between a list that converts and one that results in low open rates and a lack of engagement.

It isn’t enough to simply build your list; you have to be smart about how you organize it and use it.

Thankfully, ConvertKit makes segmentation a breeze.

5 Ways to Strategically Build a Portfolio that Attracts the Right Clients

5 Ways to Strategically Build a Portfolio that Attracts the Right Clients

For most service-based businesses, a portfolio provides proof that you’re the right person for the job.

Whether you’re a graphic designer who’s showcasing brands and websites, a photographer who’s showcasing weddings and engagements, or a coach who helps entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level, you need a portfolio to showcase your past work and build trust with potential clients. 

But how do you create one?

You might have clicked on this post thinking I was going to talk about photos and layout. And while those are important to the overall look of your portfolio, I’m not going to cover that in this post.

Not only is that a no-brainer, but every other portfolio post puts the primary amount of attention on photos and many of you reading this offer non-visual services like coaching and consulting. 

I wrote this post with the hope that you would begin to think differently about your portfolio. 

So instead, I’m sharing 5 ways to strategically build your portfolio that everyone else isn’t talking about… yet.

Why I Deleted 7,000 Subscribers From My List

Why I Deleted 7,000 Subscribers From My List

I know the title of this Ellechat sounds crazy. We all try so hard to grow our lists; why would I ever delete over 30% of my subscribers?! 

No it wasn’t by accident. It was a strategic move that’s actually helped my list and increased my engagement. And I have the stats to prove it.

I’m shared those stats, along with the reasoning behind this seemingly crazy move, in this week’s Ellechat.

How to Create an Online Subscription Library from Scratch

How to Create an Online Subscription Library from Scratch

Online content libraries are a great way to bring in recurring passive income each month. 

Subscribers join your library for a monthly fee, have ongoing access to all of the resources, and you receive a steady monthly payout - all without doing too much extra work, other than adding a couple new items each month.

Online libraries are also a fantastic incentive for people to subscribe to your list if you’re hoping to give the content away for free.

But as with any new digital offering, it can be a headache trying to figure out how to set  up a new content library from scratch.

I remember all too well. Three years ago I setup my own online subscription library (creatively named The Library), and here’s exactly how I did it. 

How to Handle the Emotional Ups and Downs of Running a Creative Business

How to Handle the Emotional Ups and Downs of Running a Creative Business

Pricing, branding, finding clients, bookkeeping, marketing - there are many hurdles to starting a business. But one of the biggest hurdles can often be ourselves.

Are perfectionism, procrastination, and comparison holding you back from launching and building your creative business?

If so, I’m sharing how I’ve learned to deal with all of the above in the last 4 years since starting Elle & Company in this Ellechat.