Coffee Date

Coffee Date with Molly Jacques

From designing gorgeous fonts for Great Lakes Lettering to leading calligraphy workshops across the country and working with large names like Nike and Martha Stewart Weddings, Molly Jacques is one busy lady. She would humbly tell you that a large part of her success is by chance, but the proof is in her stunning portfolio. This twenty-something entrepreneur has a crazy amount of talent and after admiring her gorgeous calligraphy and illustration for years (and nearly fainting when I realized that she had been following along with me on Instagram), I was thrilled when she accepted my invitation for an Elle & Company Coffee Date.

It isn't every day that I get to have a Q&A with one of my favorite people in the design field. So today I'm pretending that I'm in Molly's studio, joining her for a nuked cup of coffee and chatting about life, design, and pug drifting (you'll see what I mean). You can join us, too. Meet Molly Jacques! 

What's in your coffee mug this morning?

Coffee, as always =)

What does a normal day-in-the-life of Molly Jacques look like?

A normal day for me usually looks a little like this...

7 AM : Wake up, coffee, take the pups for a long walk and give them a bit of attention. Spend a bit of time with my husband over breakfast discussing what we're doing that day.

8:30 (or) 9ish AM : Walk into my home office and open up my emails. Get back to clients that I'm working with on what WIP will be sent along that day.

9 AM - 12 PM : Work time. I can be found huddled over my sketchbook, scanner, or (a recent purchase) my cintiq companion.

12 PM : Lunch time! Luckily, I work from home so I just head on over to the kitchen and whip something yummy up. This usually involves nuking a cup of coffee from the morning coffee pot. (Let nothing go to waste!)

12 PM - 6 PM : More sketching, revising projects with clients, back and forth via emails, all that fun stuff. My puppies keeping me company all the while.

6 PM - 11 PM : This time is spent differently every single day. Exercise, spend time with friends, eat dinner, walk the pups, brainstorm side projects. Then, bed time!

In design school, I struggled to embrace my own design style. Have you had a similar experience? What advice do you have for other creative ladies about embracing your own individual design aesthetic?

Wow, YES! Design school is such a funny time. I remember always being on this emotional roller-coaster. Entering design competitions, never winning anything, seeing my friends flourish in their illustration skills and their so-called "voice". It was a constant battle of always comparing my work to my peers and always feeling sub-par or lacking vision. Fast forward four years later and now I realize that was TOTALLY normal and exactly what art school is all about. It takes time and patience and perseverance to start to create a visual voice and design aesthetic. Sometimes it comes more quickly to some than others. I feel like I'm just now starting to embrace my individual design aesthetic. It's funny - art school is an amazing community of artists all sharing one space but I think sometimes one's most honest work comes from spending a good chunk of time being alone without the temptation of comparison. 

My advice for other creative ladies is to be patient and gentle with yourself. Realize that you need time to discover your voice and aesthetic and that's okay. Just make sure you put in the work time - or else it will never happen!

What is one thing people might never guess about you?

I'm a total introvert. 100% full blooded. So much so that sometimes I'll go weeks without seeing someone else besides my puppies and husband (ha!). Traveling and teaching flexes my "people skills" muscles - if I didn't teach, I would probably be a hermit.

You were able to turn your passion for art and calligraphy into a successful business at the age of 24. What do you attribute most to your success and what advice do you have for other young, creative entrepreneurs?

First off, let me say how thankful I am to have a job that I sincerely love. Generation Y-ers are constantly seeking their "dream jobs" in hopes of truly enjoying getting up and going to work each day and rejecting what used to be considered a normal job. I'm beyond thankful that I get to do just that. I don't take it for granted (believe me!).

I attribute my success to a variety of things. First - luck (OR divine planning). I was at the right place at the right time. Secondly, authentic love for what I do and human beings. I know, that's kinda taking it far, but bear with me. My love for what I do has driven me to work crazy hard and master a skill set. Without that love for my craft - I never would have put in this many hard hours of practice and dedication. My cousin once told me: "Ya gotta kinda wanna". Great words of advice =)

Moreover, my love for human beings. This is really important. Because I'm an introvert (as I mentioned before) I find that I'm more fulfilled when I have meaningful relationships with people. I'm terrible at small talk and making "acquaintances". When I work with clients or try to reach out to the design community with ideas, I'm always keeping in mind how I can genuinely connect with people at a deeper level. Ultimately, I think this has worked in my favor in building a community around my little brand.

Lastly, I think the fact that I'm always pushing myself to be better and different plays a large role.

In the words of Marty Neumeier: "Don't offer more - offer different". 

Your husband is also an artist. How did you two meet? (And on a scale of 1-10, how good is his calligraphy?)

HA! Cody is terrible at calligraphy (sorry Cody!). If he had an interest in it, I know he would be great at it. I always ask him if he wants to sit in on a calligraphy workshop but I think he just isn't that interested. Which is totally ok - he's amazing at his own craft.

Cody and I met while earning our undergrad degree at College for Creative Studies here in Detroit. He was always an amazing painter during those years and after graduating in the top of our class, he went on to earn his MFA from Kendall College of Art and Design. He now paints full time and teaches two classes at our Alma Mater CCS.

And just for fun, do you have any dog shaming photos and/or recent funny stories of Fievel and Dakota?

Oh dear - our dogs are crazy. We don't have kids yet so we're ridiculously obsessed with our puppies.

Fievel is a pug and Dakota is a golden retriever so the match in breed alone is hilarious (they're BFFs). Cody and I just bought a new house and it has these beautiful wooden floors throughout. For any dog owners who have wood floors in their house - you know how dogs slip and slide like crazy? It's double over here.

Anyways - anyone who owns a pug knows that they get these weird bursts of energy and just like to freak out for a while and then sleep for the rest of the day. I don't even know where he gets his crazy energy but it's hilarious because he sprints around our hardwood floors and drifts corners while snorting like a fully grown pig. When I say drifting - yes, like Fast and Furious.

Needless to say - they keep us entertained.

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Follow along with Fievel and Dakota on Instagram, too.

Recent Coffee Dates

Coffee Date with Hilary Kennedy

Hilary Kennedy is a busy lady. This Emmy Award winner is a host on a national morning news program, a style contributor to Fox News Magazine and MSN Living, and a fashion blogger. She has interviewed some of today's most famous celebrities and has made appearances on popular TV shows, and yet she is one of the kindest, most down-to-earth people I know. 

Somewhere in the midst of the many things filling up her busy schedule, she took the time to join us for a Coffee Date. So today we're switching things up and letting her sit in the interview seat. I'm thrilled for you to get to know her better!

What's in your coffee mug this morning?

I love Yogi Breathe Deep Tea. I drink a cup every morning before work, because it does wonders for seasonal allergies!

What does a normal day-in-the-life of Hilary look like? 

I work on a national morning news show called Eye Opener at the moment, so I get up at 1:30 a.m., get hair and make-up ready, and then report to work at 3:00 a.m. I record voice overs for the show, look over the script for the day, and research stories we are reporting on. We do a quick rehearsal at 4:30 a.m., and then go live from 5:00-7:00 a.m. I sometimes tape pre-produced packages after the show to air at a later date, such as a cooking segment. I have been working on another home and lifestyle show in the afternoons, so I typically head there right after the morning show and tape most of the afternoon or record whatever voice overs we need. If I can squeeze in hot yoga before dinner, I try to do that. I do a little Bible reading before bed, and then my head hits the pillow around 6:00 p.m.

How did you get your start and what do you attribute most to your success? 

I obtained my degree in Radio-Television-and Film, and shortly afterwards I worked as the Entertainment Host for the Dallas Stars Hockey Team. I began to work in some local home and lifestyle shows after that, and then on a few national shows. I think any success I have definitely comes from God's goodness and lots of prayer. I think my greatest success, though, has been marrying my wonderful husband, who always supports me in what I do. Having his support, along with the encouragement and prayers of my family has changed my life.

What are your fashion staples? Where are most of the clothes in your closet from?

I am a big believer in a well-tailored dress, so I have most of mine taken in or hemmed by a local tailor so they fit properly. I think a nude pair of Christian Louboutins are a great investment, too. I love to wear a simple pair of gold hoop earrings, which I think are a wonderful staple for any look. Since I supply my own wardrobe for a lot of the shows I work on, I frequent budget-friendly places like Forever21, Zara, and GAP. Once you get the less expensive items tailored, you can't tell they only cost $20!

It seems like you have a wide range of activities filling up your schedule. How do you simplify and keep it all together?

Having some quiet time to yourself for prayer and reflection is one way I keep things together. I also use iCal to send me reminders about meetings and upcoming birthdays, as well as a fantastic invoicing/expense service called FreshBooks. It simplified my business process like no other!

You've had a lot of amazing opportunities, from interviewing Sir Richard Branson to receiving an Emmy award. What has been your most memorable experience? 

I think my most memorable experience with my job was getting to sit down and chat with Sir Richard Branson. It took place in front of hundreds of people, but he made it feel as if we were the only two people in the room. He's charming and kind, and one of the nicest people I have ever met. Celebrities are just regular people with cool jobs, and it's always gratifying to meet one who hasn't let their immense success change how they treat people.

Which fashion trend(s) makes you cringe?

Okay, I have to confess...the "arm party" trend drives me nuts. It doesn't look comfortable and makes it nearly impossible to type on your computer! I also wouldn't mind if people didn't mix so many prints together anymore. Maybe it's my matchy-matchy nature, but too many stripes, polka dots, and tribal prints in one look give my a headache! :)

I know I say this every time, but this is one of my very favorite Coffee Dates. I especially loved getting a sneak peek into Hilary's day and learning how she got started in her industry. I would love to hear what you enjoyed most about today's Q&A with her (and I'm sure she would too!) 

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Recent Coffee Dates

Coffee Date with Christin Eastman (and a giveaway!)

I first heard about today's Coffee Date guest on the Oh Simple Thoughts blog a few months ago and I've been following along with her ever since. Christin Eastman and her husband, Johnny, started Sweet Aroma Coffee to make money that goes toward stopping sex trafficking. They offer a monthly subscription that highlights fair-trade coffee from different regions around the world, and a large percentage of the monthly subscription goes toward 61 Project in Kenya and Wipe Every Tear in the Philippines. For a coffee drinker like myself, this is such a neat way to support a wonderful cause! 

I not only wanted to bring Sweet Aroma Coffee to your attention, but I thought it would be fun for us to get to know the lady behind it a little better. What better way than a Coffee Date? Christin is sharing all about what her normal day looks like, how Sweet Aroma Coffee got started, and even their hilarious honeymoon story (you have to read it!) 

What's in your coffee mug this morning?

I love starting the morning with a steaming cup of coffee. I love black coffee the most because I can taste the flavor of the specific blend. Although, I'm a huge fan of the Girl Scout Thin Mint creamer so when we spot it at the grocery, we always pick some up!

Give us a glimpse into a typical "day in the life" of Christin.

It seems like a typical day in my life is never the same! Depending on the day, I spend the morning answering emails and catching up on work that ran over from the day before. I spend time with the Lord and we do a lot of dreaming and praying. Mid-morning I work on marketing for Sweet Aroma as well as the month's coffee inserts for the subscription bags. Afternoons are saved for coffee dates and meetings. Last week I traveled to speak about Sweet Aroma and it was a blast! Sometimes I have Skype calls with our ministry partners in other countries but usually we just email. Just the other day I got to have lunch with one of our contacts in Kenya so that was a very special blessing and treat! The evenings are reserved for hosting folks at our home and spending time with my hubby and our pup, Howie.

How did Sweet Aroma Coffee get started?

Sweet Aroma began while I was on an 11-month mission trip called The World Race. I felt the Father speak two words - coffee and prostitutes - to me and I knew He had some pretty big plans in store. Over the next five months, the Lord continued to reveal how coffee would one day help fight against sex trafficking. When we got home, we started a coffee ministry called Sweet Aroma Coffee. 

We literally served coffee all over Knoxville. We'd load up my living room which was full of antique furniture and set it up at the venue and serve coffee and share our hearts for a couple hours and then tear it all down and move it all back into my house. We did this for months until we were completely exhausted! We felt the Lord say it was time to stop doing these "pop up" shops and wait for His lead.

A few weeks later we got the idea of having an online coffee shop where people could sign up for a monthly subscription and enjoy different coffee from all over the world, each month, right in their own home. Thus began We are a mission minded business and 36% of the gross profit is donated back to the organizations we partner with in The Philippines and Kenya. Both ministries fight against sex trafficking. We use our platform to be a voice for the voiceless and to love and empower folks to live lives that are fully surrendered to Jesus and His calling! Our hearts beat for the story He has written for each of your lives and we pray that through Sweet Aroma, you are encouraged and inspired to go out and make a difference!

What is you and Johnny's "love story"?

We met on The World Race two years ago. It wasn't love at first sight though. I thought he was a tattooed punk and he thought I was a snobby Southerner. We ended up working together during our first month in Guatemala and became instant best friends. It's amazing what hard work, living in a third world country, eating over an open fire and not showering for weeks and Jesus will do to people's vulnerability levels! We stayed close friends the whole 11 months, exchanging emails and letters when we had wifi or saw each other. He moved to Knoxville when we got home and asked my dad if he could pursue me shortly after. Three months later we were engaged and five months later we tied the knot! Our honeymoon was a story for the ages. We boarded a plane going to the wrong country, the airline lost our luggage for the entire honeymoon and I ended up in the hospital but boy, oh boy did we have so much joy and so much fun! We went back to Guatemala where it all began and fell in love all over again! I've been married five months to my best friend in the whole world and it's been so amazing! (To read more of the honeymoon story, click here.)

I know from experience that running a business can be time consuming and busy. How do you simplify and keep everything running smoothly?

Yes indeed! It can take up a ton of brain space, heart space and desk space. Sometimes I balance it alright and other days I have to check in with the Lord to get my heart back on track. Johnny and I communicate a lot to make sure everything is running alright but it's a constant learning game that we are eager to understand! I think lists are important and prioritizing is also super important. Staying focused on our core values helps us not get side tracked and having fun and laughing a lot helps keep the stress to a minimum and the smiles constant!

What's something you've been loving lately?

I've been loving reading lately. I picked up some novels I read forever ago and I guess I'm getting really old because I didn't remember how any of them ended. Reading is a great way for me to unwind and rest so it's been wonderful.

And just for fun, what is something might never guess about you?

As a child, I desperately wanted to be a CIA agent!

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And I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to bless one of you with some Sweet Aroma Coffee! Enter the giveaway below to win a 3-month coffee subscription. 

Coffee Date with Caroline Logan

When I think of inspirational ladies, Caroline Logan comes to mind. This successful young wedding photographer started her business before she even had her learners' permit, and she just graduated from high school in May. She's a stand-out in the wedding photography industry because of her age, but after getting to know her better, I've started to forget that she is only 18; she's professional, wise beyond her years, and so very talented. Caroline's confidence and hard work have been an encouragement to me and she's one of my favorite creative ladies to follow along with.

So of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to feature her for a Coffee Date. Get to know her better today, leave her some love, and follow along with her - this girl is impressive! 

What's in your coffee mug this morning?

Even though I sure love me a cute little coffee shop, I'm not a big coffee drinker just yet! So it's green tea with a lil bit of honey for me... my favorite! But pass a Starbucks and my car has a way of pulling in and ordering a Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate. Does that count as coffee? ;)

Give us a glimpse into a typical "day in the life" of Caroline.

Oh my! Right now, especially in the midst of wedding season, what my typical "day in the life" looks like changes each day. But no matter what the day holds, it always starts the same... a little Chobani yogurt + granola + fresh fruit morning fuel while I take some quiet time to study my Bible. It's the perfect way to start the morning before diving into a full day of work!

Lately I'm loving mixing my work environment up, whether that's working from my home office, or spending the day working from one of my favorite local coffee shops - it's fun to switch it up and helps me to stay inspired!

If I'm honest, I'd say I'm still working on finding a solid work-life balance as a business owner. While I'm grateful to run a business I genuinely love - some days it's easy to lost track of time and work way too late into the evening. But we're not created just to work, even if it is our passion. There is so much to life beyond that. People matter and it's important to make sure those in my life get the best of my attention, not just the rest of it. This is something I'm continually learning and striving towards!

You photographed your first solo wedding at 14 (that's wild!) How did you get started in the wedding photography industry and what business tips have you found to be helpful?

14 years old... I know! Sometimes I hear that and find it a little wild myself! Who knew what a journey that would start me on. It's been quite the adventure since then as I've continued to pour into building and refining my business and brand over the last four years. I look back to where I was then and it makes my heart smile to think of how many people believed in me, even then!

Someone told me early on that the best business tip they'd ever received was to simply love people. I've read countless business books from incredibly successful entrepreneurs, and yet that single tip remains my favorite of all. Sometimes I think we can get too caught up in business and marketing strategies in hopes that they'll propel our business forward in growth. And while they definitely can and do, loving people well and showing a genuine passion for what you do? Oh man, it's contagious.

One of my favorite verses is 1 Peter 4:10, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." I always find this verse encouraging in times when I'm feeling overwhelmed because it helps me to turn my focus back to what matters and let the rest fall into place. It's a great reminder that this business is so not about me... it's simply a tool for me to love and serve others. And what a gift that is!

You just graduated from high school a couple months ago. What's next?

I absolutely love being a wedding photographer and there is nothing I'd rather spend my days now as a high school graduate doing! I'm not entirely sure of all that may be on the horizon as I continue to build and run this business of mine, but I sure am excited about the places it could lead me! With my graduation in the spring and my nineteenth birthday next week, I've been feeling so, so grateful for this season of life I'm in. It's human nature to continually strive towards bigger and better, especially as a business owner. I think it's great to have big dreams, and yet, I never want to get so caught up in those dreams that I miss the beautiful reality of where God has me right now.

I have a feeling wedding season can be super busy for you. How do you simplify and keep everything running smoothly?

Yes! Wedding season is definitely such a fast-paced, exciting time! I've always been the kind of girl that has a to-do list for her to-do list, so a key to simplifying and keeping everything running smoothly has been implementing systems that work for me and can help me stay organized! I write out my "Action Items" to-do list with the things I'll need to accomplish the following day on a notepad each evening before I shut things down for the night. This system isn't anything over the top, but I've found that the simplicity of starting each day with a fresh list is so key when it comes to keeping everything running smoothly!

Another thing that has been beneficial for me has been investing in organization. Sometimes it's so easy to skimp in this area and tell yourself to skip the cute office supplies aisle at Target... but I promise the prettier your systems are, the more excited you'll be to follow through and keep up with them! Implementation matters more than intention, so spoiling yourself a little bit in setting up a system that works is worth every penny!

What's something you've been loving lately?

Thank-you notes! It may be verging on an obsession - you would laugh if you saw my stash of them! There's something about pretty stationery I can't resist. I love how much power there is in positivity, and with a simple thank-you note we have the opportunity to tell sweet friends they matter. Like really, really matter.  I once heard it said to never suppress a generous thought, and I kind of loved that. Tell people you love 'em. Tell them they've impacted your life. Tell them you've noticed the way they earnestly care about people. Tell them they're making a difference. Don't just suppress it :)

And just for fun, if you could photograph any celebrity wedding, whose would it be and why?

Will and Kate, it's a no-brainer! Can I call dibs on their vow renewal?

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Recent Coffee Dates

Coffee Date with Thuy Bui

Thuy and I share the same love of design and pretty paper. She's the creative lady behind My Paper Pinwheel, The Crafter's Bash, and Pinwheel Parcels, and she has a heart and a knack for all things crafty. Somehow in the midst of a busy day as a business owner, full-time nurse, wife, and mom, she finds the time to hop on Instagram and encourage other designers and crafty ladies, myself included. I've been so encouraged by Thuy and I've been excited to highlight her on the blog for weeks. 

Get to know this self-proclaimed paper addict, washi-tape hoarder, and "hostess with the mostess" over coffee (or a white chocolate mocha) today. Friends, meet Thuy!

What's in your coffee cup this morning?

That's funny you asked me because I actually don't drink coffee in the morning, but I normally will have a White Chocolate Mocha mid-day.

What does a day-in-the-life of Thuy look like?

Oh gosh, each day is always unpredictable and never the same. A fun fact is that I actually work a full time job in Healthcare Management which I don't think any of my readers really know about me. Do my "work" morning starts at 8:30 and ends around 5:00, then after my boys are in bed is when I work on the blog, Pinwheel Parcels, and respond to my insane inbox.

I've always admired your craftiness and love for paper. How did My Paper Pinwheel get started?

My Paper Pinwheel started after I felt my old blog no longer reflected my current lifestyle. I actually came up with the name My Paper Pinwheel to use as an online shop name to sell party supplies but never got around to doing that, so I decided to keep the name of my website and turn it into a lifestyle blog with a lot of pretty paper and fun DIY projects.

Have you heard about Pinwheel Parcels?! It's a "happy mail" subscription bringing back snail mail and sending pretty paper to people's mailboxes each month. Find out more here.

Have you heard about Pinwheel Parcels?! It's a "happy mail" subscription bringing back snail mail and sending pretty paper to people's mailboxes each month. Find out more here.

What has been your favorite project to date and why?

Gosh, I don't think I can narrow it down to one favorite project! I have had the opportunity to create some fun projects and work alongside so many ladies, and I think each project holds a special memory to me.

What is something you've been loving lately?

PLANNERS! I am such an addict! A fun fact about me is that in a given year, I can easily purchase and use 3-5 planners. I am such a planner and organized that I have a really hard time finding the "right" planner for me, therefore I go through several ones before I am happy with one. 

Oh, and Chipotle's Chicken Bowl with extra guacamole. I'm obsessed!

What advice would you give to other creative ladies who are trying to get their business up and running?

Oh gosh, I think there is never enough advice when you are trying to achieve your dream, but I think one thing I would say is that your dreams are out there, have the courage to chase them. Don't let life slip away because you didn't try. I know it's scary but don't let regret dictate your life. Go out, be brave, and show your courage!

Thuy also organizes workshops for The Crafters Bash. Learn more about this crafty workshop here.

Thuy also organizes workshops for The Crafters Bash. Learn more about this crafty workshop here.

And just for fun, if you could have a Coffee Date with anyone, who would it be?

Oh wow, if I could have a coffee date with anyone I would say Lara Casey. I have been following Lara for quite some time and I just love the motivation and positive vibes that she shares with the world.

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