Coffee Date with Natalie Freeman

My design-loving heart skips a beat each time I walk in Anthropologie. Every one of their items feels like it has a story behind it and no two pieces are the same, however they all fit together perfectly in an thoughtful, inspiring collection. They have a style that's one-of-a-kind and lovely. The same is true for Natalie Freeman's style. It's one-of-a-kind, homey, and creative, and the first time I stumbled upon her website I couldn't help but spend a half hour looking around, getting excited about every pretty little detail.

Natalie and her husband own Freckled Hen Farm where they raise goats, chickens, and a vegetable garden. Their home is a collection of colorful items that Natalie has so thoughtfully collected and paired together, and she blogs about their life, her thrifting and junking adventures, and her latest crafting projects. She also has a little shop where she sells "a happy little mix of handmade and vintage items." The way that Natalie finds beauty and simplicity in the day-to-day makes her a joy to follow along with, and I'm thrilled that she's joining us for a Coffee Date. Meet Natalie!

What's in your coffee cup this morning?

I love a good cup of coffee made by my husband in the early morning hours with maybe a little too much half & half.

Give us a glimpse into a "day in the life" of Natalie.

Every day looks a little different, but each day is always filled to the rim with good stuff. On any given day, you'll find me harvesting flowers and vegetables from our garden for our sweet Freckled Hen Farm customers. Other days I am washing eggs at the sink & dreaming up where we might raise our pigs or place our future beehive. Almost every day, you'll find me typing away & sharing my story on my blog in my studio. If I am lucky, I can sneak away for a couple hours to sew up some goodies for my etsy shop. I also volunteer as a garden educator within the public school district. Hands deep into the soil & surrounded by a cackle of students, you'll find me digging up worms & identifying insects in the school garden. A good day wouldn't be complete without a visit to the local thrift shop, one of my favorite places to get lost in my thoughts & find those forgotten treasures. In the midst of the busyness of life, I am always incredibly thankful that I get to call this wild & precious life mine. 

You and your husband, Luke, share about life around the Freckled Hen Farm. How did you start this venture and what do you enjoy most about living on a farm?

The farm really did fall into our laps. We had always dreamed of owning a piece of land, but never would we have ever imagined that it would happen so soon. We bought our first home & the farm a little over a year ago. Here we raise dairy goats, a large flock of chickens & a vegetable garden. When we first arrived on the farm, it instantly felt like home. It was the refuge my weary soul needed. Since our first day, my favorite part has always been the quiet. The calm mornings & the quiet evenings on the farm are so incredibly peaceful. I don't think I could ever go back to the city life.

What advice do you have for newbies like me on how to start a garden? What are your favorite plants to grow?

Just start. Don't worry, you'll mess up. But you'll learn a whole lot. And you'll continue learning with each new garden & season. But if you grow discouraged, plant some salad greens. In just a handful of weeks, you will be harvesting fresh greens from your garden. They're oh so easy to grow & quite tasty, too!

Between having your own Etsy shop, keeping up with the farm, blogging, and crafting, I'm sure your life stays busy! How do you simplify?

My own little word for 2014 is Quality & with each month, I learn a little bit more about what it means for my particular journey. I have a really difficult time simplifying my life & saying no to new opportunities. This year, and with each day, I am learning to say no so that I may say yes to those aspects & people in my life that are most important. Quite honestly, each day is a struggle, but I find that when I allow a bit of white space in my life, I reap the benefits of a quality life.

What is something you've been loving lately?

Just recently I have loved disconnecting from social media. This time away from social media allows me to fully connect with my husband or notice the little details of life I would have otherwise missed with my face to the screen. 

And just for fun, what do you hope life looks like for you and Luke thirty years from now?

We hope we're still having fun, seeking adventures, living out our passions & most importantly, loving each other fiercely.

Follow along with Natalie

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