Social Media

My Instagram Philosophy

I'm a huge fan of Instagram. I love following along with friends, keeping up with some of my favorite creative ladies, and sharing bits and pieces of my life through photos. Instagram gives me the opportunity to share about Elle & Company and connect with people I may not have met otherwise. It's just fun.

Sometimes it can be tricky striking a balance between business and personal posts in the midst of it all. There are a million different articles out there about how you can use your Instagram account to gain more followers, sell more products, and create a loyal following. There are tips and tricks on which filters and settings you should use, how to set up the perfect shot, and yes, even how to take the perfect selfie.

But one of my favorite things about Instagram is that everyone can use it a little differently. There's no right or wrong way to go about posting photos and sharing life; everyone has their own spin on this social media outlet. It's truly what works for you. So I've come up with my own Instagram philosophy, a few simple things I try to stick to as I'm posting about life, business and everything in between.

My Instagram Philosophy: Personal guidelines for posting about life, business, and everything in between // Elle & Company

Get creative. 

Instagram is another creative outlet for me, a "sketchbook" for my photos. It's an opportunity to share my view behind the lens and capture pretty things. So yes, I just might style my desk for a shot or move near a window to improve the lighting in a photo. It's fun to experiment and get creative with my camera phone, even if it is a picture of my little fake succulent, my coffee cup, and my Bible. The artsy designer in me just can't resist.

Be social.

After all, it is called social media. I try my hardest to respond to comments and interact with the people I follow along with. Jake and I are very much people-people; we love hanging out in large groups and making new friends. In-person interaction is a little different than connecting over social media, but I still like to start conversations, network, and reach out to people. 

Stay positive. 

Positivity and thankfulness are contagious, but so is negativity. While I never want to be fake or inauthentic over social media, I do want to be cautious of sharing my problems and frustrations with the world. I like to stay positive and see posts as an opportunity to share joy and thankfulness. 

Don't stress.

Some days I just don't have anything to post about and other days I have 10 photos to share. While the type-A planner in me loves consistency, I don't like scrambling just to come up with an Instagram post. I'll share as I have content and take a break here and there when I need it. When it becomes another business task or a chore, I miss out on the whole reason I created an Instagram account in the first place. Which leads me to the last part of my Instagram philosophy...

Have fun.

It's easy to get wrapped up in numbers. It's nice to gain a following, especially when my income depends on my business. But for me, likes and follows aren't the main purpose of this social media outlet. I started using Instagram because it was fun and I'll continue to use it because it's fun. 

What's your Instagram philosophy? What do you love most about this social media outlet and how do you stay sane in the midst of likes and follows? For all you creative business ladies and bloggers out there, I would love to hear how you try to bridge the gap between personal and business-related posts, too.