Social Media is Changing (And 3 Free Marketing Alternatives)

Social Media is Changing (And 3 Free Marketing Alternatives)

Social media. It's the cheapest, easiest form of marketing out there. If you're a business owner, a blogger, or both, you've probably been taking full advantage of several platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google+, to name a few. And why would't you? It's an easy way to reach your followers without paying a dime. 

But you may have noticed a slight shift in these platforms lately, especially Facebook. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but I do have some thoughts and opinions on the future of social media.

7 Tips for Creating a Credible, Trustworthy Website

7 Tips for Creating a Credible, Trustworthy Website

This summer, my husband and I were driving to the beach late at night, in the middle of nowhere, when the gas light came on. Desperate for a gas station, we cried out to Siri for help.

She led us to the only gas station within a 15-minute radius, and it was like something off of a horror film: the convenience store windows were pitch black, a stray cat was eating something in the parking lot and there were no cars in sight. I'm pretty sure I saw Hannibal Lecter at one point. After expressing my concern to Jake, he reassured me that it was going to be okay, but I didn't catch my breath again until we left five minutes later.

First impressions are crucial.