5 Types of Logos to Incorporate in Your Brand

5 Types of Logos to Incorporate in Your Brand

Designing a logo is one of those tasks that’s seemingly simple at first glance. 

But if you’ve attempted to design a logo, you know firsthand that the seemingly simple task is much more complicated; there’s more to it than meets the eye.

There are several different components to think about when you’re designing a logo. Fonts, colors, shapes, arrangement, illustrations, associations… 

But there’s one component that has to be considered before all the rest: Form.

So which form(s) should your logo take? Take a look at these 5 different types to find out.

How to Utilize an Inspiration Board to Design a Consistent Brand

How to Utilize an Inspiration Board to Design a Consistent Brand

Creating a brand can be a little overwhelming at the outset. With so many details to pull together - colors, fonts, patterns - it can be difficult to know where to start. 

That’s where an inspiration boards comes in.

An inspiration board is a collection of images and color blocks that provides a starting place for many designers at the outset of a project.

While many of them are gorgeous and well-curated, inspiration boards are more than just a pretty collection of photos. 

By coming up with an inspiration board at the outset of a project, designers are able to give their clients a visual representation of what they have in mind for their brand before they get started on it, just to be sure they’re on the same page visually.

These boards help create consistency throughout the entire branding process and make it easier to arrive at an appropriate outcome.

I shared a post last year on how to create a clean and cohesive inspiration board, but today I’m walking you through how to utilize an inspiration board throughout the entire scope of the branding process.

Whether you’re working with clients on the design of their brand or you’re building your brand from scratch, this post will help you create consistency from start to finish.

Don't Believe the Lies: Why Site Traffic Matters

Don't Believe the Lies: Why Site Traffic Matters

When it comes to site traffic, some people might tell you that you don’t need to worry about the numbers. 

That’s a lie. 

If you’re running a business, you can’t disregard the numbers. Especially when it comes to your site traffic.

I’m tackling that lie (and a few other lies that come along with it) by telling you the truth about site traffic and why it has a large impact on the success of your business. 

Which 2016 Presidential Candidate's Logo Would Get Your Vote?

Which 2016 Presidential Candidate's Logo Would Get Your Vote?

With the 2016 presidential election right around the corner, the candidates are using visuals to characterize themselves and appeal to the American people.

But how effective have their attempts been and what messages are their visuals actually portraying?

I'm picking their logos apart in today's post and casting my vote on the strongest, most accurate design.

A Step-By-Step Guide for Choosing the Right Squarespace Template

A Step-By-Step Guide for Choosing the Right Squarespace Template

When it comes to building a website, there’s no denying the simplicity and user-friendliness of Squarespace.

For those of us who want a well-designed site without the hassle and learning-curve of using code and plugins, Squarespace is the perfect option.

But because it’s so easy and each template is gorgeous, it can be hard to determine which template would be the best fit for your website. Out of all the questions I receive about Squarespace on a regular basis, the majority of them revolve around choosing a template.

And that’s where this post comes in. I’m walking you through choosing the perfect Squarespace template for your creative business, step-by step.