Ellechat Recap: An Inside Look at My Launch Strategy for Freelance Academy

Ellechat Recap: An Inside Look at My Launch Strategy for Freelance Academy

A couple of months ago I launched my signature course, Freelance Academy. 

And while I’ve launched a number of courses, services, and digital products in the past, Freelance Academy was different. A signature course, at a higher price point, with a brand new launch strategy. 

The launch was new and unfamiliar territory, but my perspective on launches remained the same

I don’t believe that you have to be salesy, pushy or manipulative in order to have a successful launch.

Don't Be Infatuated with Income Reports

Don't Be Infatuated with Income Reports

Apparently everyone is getting rich nowadays, and getting rich quick.

And we only know this because people are more than willing to share their numbers. You’ve probably seen the posts. 

Income reports are everywhere.

I first noticed them a couple years ago when I came across Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income. Since then, income reports seem to have spread like wildfire. 

This fact isn’t shocking; there’s a nosy person in all of us that loves to see numbers. We secretly enjoy getting an inside look into someone’s bank account.

But there’s something about it that doesn’t seem quite right.

A couple months ago I received an email from a newsletter subscriber, asking for my take on income reports. 

There are 3 reasons I’ve chosen to abstain from sharing my income on the internet: reporting income is a not-so unique marketing technique, it can lead to major legal problems and it has the potential to erode trust.

Finding, Choosing, and Pairing Brand Fonts

Finding, Choosing, and Pairing Brand Fonts

There are a couple designer secrets that aren’t often shared when it comes to choosing brand fonts.

The first: Steer clear of using your logo font throughout the rest of your brand (unless it’s a secondary font that you’ve used for your tagline). This makes the logo distinct and keeps it from getting lost among other text on your website and collateral items.

The second: Give each brand font a “job.” Choose one font for your headers, one font for your body text, and maybe one other accent font (maybe). This streamlines your brand by creating consistency.

But even after learning these secrets, you might still have some questions about brand fonts.

How do you go about finding, choosing and pairing fonts that will accurately represent your business and appeal to the right customers?

I’ve got you covered.

How to Ensure Clients Stick to Your Project Schedule

How to Ensure Clients Stick to Your Project Schedule

Suzie reached out to you in a panic on Monday. 

She needed her new website up and running yesterday, and she’s hoping you’ll take her project on right away.

Being the nice person that you are, you agree. You set up a general timeframe and hit the ground running.

But it isn’t long before Suzie starts running the show. She’s unhappy with the concepts you’ve shared with her and although you agreed to a few revisions at the outset of the project, you’ve made exceptions to keep her happy. 

Not only is this situation frustrating, but it’s put you behind on your other client projects. Stress creeps in. Both you and Suzie are irritated with the process, and you can’t wait for the project to end.

If this situation becomes a trend in your service-based business, you won’t last long. 

But here’s the good news: This awful situation could’ve been prevented. 

The most common question I receive about my 2-week design process is, by far, “How do you ensure that clients stick to your project schedule?”

The simple answer? Setting boundaries and managing expectations. 

But here’s a more detailed explanation of what that looks like from start to finish in my client process.

Ellechat Recap: 3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Brand Photos with Brit Chandler

Ellechat Recap: 3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Brand Photos with Brit Chandler

Let me let you in on a little branding secret.

You can spend tons of time designing a beautiful logo.
You can choose the best color palette, fonts and patterns.
You can even pull out all the stops creating an eye-catching website.

But if your photos are amateur and inconsistent, every collateral item and page of your website will fall short. 

The same is true for your blog posts, promotional items and social media accounts.

Great photos not only elevate a brand, but they make it appear professional and build recognition with your audience.