12 Simple Reasons Businesses Desperately Need to Blog

12 Simple Reasons Businesses Desperately Need to Blog

People are always shocked when I tell them the primary reason my business grew quickly.

It wasn’t pouring all of my time and effort into curating a visually pleasing Instagram feed.
It wasn’t going to conferences and networking with the big shots.
And it definitely wasn’t through some big break.

“How else did you grow your business?” they ask me. 

Few people want to believe that apart from blogging, my business would’ve failed soon after it started.

And they definitely don’t want to give it a go and make it work for their own businesses.

Maybe it’s because they don’t know how to use their blog.
Maybe they just don’t want to spend the time writing and growing their blog. 

But I think the real problem lies with not being aware of the countless benefits that blogging can have for a business.

28 Collateral Item Ideas for Your Creative Business

28 Collateral Item Ideas for Your Creative Business

The key to every professional, easily recognizable brand is consistency.

When brands use the same colors, logos, fonts, patterns, and imagery over and over again, potential clients and customers begin to associate those visuals with their business.

Consider Chipotle. 

You don’t have to see their logo to recognize their foil-wrapped burritos or white paper cups with brown hand lettering.

Because they’re consistent, you associate these visuals with their brand.

The same should be true for your business. And the best way you can brand create consistency is through your collateral items.

The Ins and Outs of Designing a One-of-a-Kind Logo

The Ins and Outs of Designing a One-of-a-Kind Logo

What makes a great logo?

It’s not enough that a logo looks visually pleasing or stands out among the competition; it’s most important that it appeals to potential clients and customers.

But if you’re starting from scratch, it can be difficult to know where to start. 

There’s definitely creativity and a basic design knowledge involved in creating a one-of-a-kind logo, but there’s also a system behind it all.