Creating a Brand That Isn’t Easily Forgotten

Creating a Brand That Isn’t Easily Forgotten

It takes an average of 5-7 brand impressions before someone will remember your brand.

Which means that people have to come into contact with your brand through website views, social media posts, or third-party mentions an average of 5-7 times before they can recall your business from memory.

I don’t know about you, but I would rather someone remember my brand during the first or second point of contact. 5-7 seems like a lot.

But in today’s day in age - where all brands seem to run together and look the same - it seems to be getting even harder to stand out from the crowd and create a brand that potential clients and customers will remember. 

There’s so much competition. 

So how do you stand out? How do you catch people’s attention and increase the likelihood that they will remember your brand?

The answer lies in consistent, one-of-a-kind visuals. 

A Guide to Choosing Brand Colors, Fonts, and Graphics

A Guide to Choosing Brand Colors, Fonts, and Graphics

Tiffany blue. 

You know you have a strong brand when something as simple as a color becomes an actual trademark for your business.

If someone is carrying that signature blue box with a white ribbon, you know they’ve made a purchase from Tiffany’s. You don’t even have to see the logo to recognize the brand. 

Logos definitely help create brand recognition and add a visual face to your business, but seemingly insignificant details like colors and fonts can have just as big of an impact.

And in Week 3 of this month’s Brand Challenge, we’re diving into those details headfirst.

Honing in on a Distinct Style for Your Brand

Honing in on a Distinct Style for Your Brand

One of the biggest benefits of branding your business is the opportunity to set it apart and differentiate it from all the other businesses in your industry.

But nowadays, too many brands look the same.

And it’s for one of two reasons:

1  |  There are so many businesses out there that it’s hard to come up with anything new
2  |  Business owners don’t know how to come up with a distinct aesthetic for their brand

I don’t buy the first reason. We’re creative business owners; new ideas should be a fun challenge for us.

I blame the boring brands on reason #2: People just don’t know how to make their brand stand out.

How to Come Up with a Creative Visual Direction for Your Brand

How to Come Up with a Creative Visual Direction for Your Brand

Most people don’t struggle to come up with their brand keywords or identify their ideal client. Or at least that isn’t their greatest branding struggle.

The biggest challenge in creating a brand comes at this stage of the process, when you’ve written your mission statement, identified your ideal client/customer, made a list of brand keywords... and now all that’s left to do is to take all of that information and create some visuals that reflect it.

No big deal, right?

Psh. That’s an overwhelmingly big deal. And if you’ve never branded a business before, you’re probably at a loss for where to start.

That’s where Week 2 of this month’s Brand Challenge comes in. 

6 Ways to Brand Your Squarespace Website

6 Ways to Brand Your Squarespace Website

Squarespace is a great website option for business owners who want a lovely, professional website that’s mobile friendly and easy to update.

I chose Squarespace for the Elle & Company website and I highly recommend it to all of my design clients because of the beautiful templates, intuitive user experience, and compatibility.

But with all of those great benefits come limitations on customization.

Unlike Wordpress where the possibilities are endless, Squarespace isn’t as flexible; you have to work within the parameters of their templates and features.

This might be a problem for you if you’re seeking a website that has all of the bells and whistles, but it isn’t an issue for those of you who are seeking to create a simple, intuitive site. 

With these 6 tips (and a little creativity), you can customize your Squarespace site to fit your brand and make it memorable.